Wednesday March 5

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Wednesday March 5

Postby Shirlv » Wed Mar 05, 2025 10:34 am

Morning All, a warm 62° and prediction of heavy t-storms and high winds. Have water in the bathtub for flushing if needed. Cell charged had coffee so as ready as I can be. Nothing new here, same ole.

Daughter #2 is on east coast of Florida for her annual vacation. She loves Florida and her bff lives in Senastion. She would like to find a rental in the area for a month but can’t find one for only one month that also allows her Westin Luca. If any suggestions let me know please. Getting really dark and wind is howling so will sign off. Be safe.

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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 05, 2025 1:26 pm

Good morning Shirl. Weather here is just meh. Little fog, kinda cloudy, maybe an occasional rain shower but definitely not cold out now, 36/53 today. Got a couple housekeeping chores done, took out something for dinner, had breakfast. Now time for a shower. I have Bunco today so can't get into anything much before that. I enjoy going a couple times a month.

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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby cnq50b » Wed Mar 05, 2025 6:48 pm

Getting some rain here this afternoon.

Got laundry done this morning. That's where I meet many of the folks who live in the complex. This morning, a mom with a newborn she was fostering... Baby was not even 2 weeks old - beautiful tiny little girl.

Attended a memorial service last night for a boy who lived in the complex. He passed away from an aggressive form of MS. He was 12 or 13. Sadie & I used to encounter him & his parents as they were coming or going. He & his dad enjoyed time with Sadie. Service was in a Korean church. It was very moving, mostly in Korean with a translator, church was nearly full. Seeing pictures of him as a baby & young child & then in his wheelchairs really touched my heart. His short life touched so many.

Barbie, glad you got better steps for your RV. My son's RV steps worry me. The kids seem to do fine with them, but I make sure & hold on until I'm on solid ground.

I think I'll take Sadie out for a walk while we have a break in the rain.
Take care,
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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 05, 2025 7:34 pm

Good afternoon. Had a good time at Bunco, I actually won $5 had most losses LOL tied with 2 others so we split the $15 I will take whatever I can get LOL

Took the dog out and sat on the deck in the sun for a while, felt really good. Came in and fed the dog some dinner and now I have my grown up clothes changed and into my sweats... very comfy LOL Time for some tv now.

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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 05, 2025 9:38 pm

I ordered a new top for my dinette table and it arrived today. One of my saviors here came over and we checked that it could replace the current table top and we both said yes. So in the next few days we should get that done. Need nice weather to do it outside and it's all about his schedule. Tomorrow is our monthly park meeting. Sometimes I haven't gone but our current manager is retiring and he is bringing the new one in to be introduced. I want to be there if there's any news to go with this.

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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 05, 2025 10:35 pm

Finally, a calm day so I went into town and got gas, stopped at post office, did 4 loads of laundry, and got a couple of things at Walmart. Then of course, when I came home, I had those 4 loads of laundry to fold. Plus I had changed my bed this morning, so am really tired out.

Had a nice chat this morning with camp host I had met here couple of years ago. We compared stories of the weird things people do while camping and how much stuff some people feel they have to bring. Luckily, this place gets almost no families because it is small, has no lake or pools, no kids activities, and not much to do---my kind of place!!! It is also away from everything, so very very quiet.

Tomorrow is another high-wind dust storm, so I made sure I have enough water and everything else to last me a couple of days without going outside.
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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby snowball » Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:24 am

we I looked at the weather this morning it looks like we will have snow tonight and into tomorrow... just cause I need to go to the store tomorrow in actuality I could go to three very easily... now if my ride is ok with it :) so we have a family chat going have for many years... so today I posted that mom had lots of towels a lot of them the larger than bath size towels think called towel sheets anyway I asked if anyone needed them... some gave ideas but later my sil asked my sister if she had sent the papers she has signed yet reply was no will send them Sat so they will get there after you get home (she will be home on Sat) I just sit here and struggle with it ...She could mail them on Thurs would get there after SIL gets home or the same day and what the heck I do believe she has a PO Box anyway so what is the concern??? she isn't the one that hasn't been able to drive just totally frustrating.... and she of all people wants some towels... oh well it's ok probably can use them except she want's pink ones it's not her color of pink I even sent a picture of it to brother so he could let her know
did toss out a lot of stuff today figure even though the spice didn't have a use by date if it cost .79 it's way too old :lol:
didn't do as much as I should have made the mistake off opening up FB so shouldn't do that in the mid day
sounds like all is well... doing what we need to or want to
Shirl hope all was ok for you today
you all have a great day
forgot something I was going to mention have you heard of a Bee Hummingbird??? it is suppose to be the smallest hummer weighing in a less than the weight of a penny ... and the reason you don't see hummer's on the ground their legs won't support them just for a small time gripping a stem or something at least that is what this article said that I read... and if it's on the internet it must be true :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:51 am

It was a nice sunny day but a little cool. The high was 54. The weather man said it was going to be in the 30's tonight but it's still 50. We have more rain coming Saturday.

About all I did was pick up 3 more bags of mulch. If I would go in the truck I could get this over with but I hate to drive that truck so much. I stopped at the mower place and bought a new mower. I have had several cars that cost less than that mower. I need to set my alarm so I will be dressed when they deliver it tomorrow.

I thought about picking up some boiled crawfish again but today is Ash Wednesday so there are a lot of people eating seafood today. All during Lent the deli will have seafood on Wednesday and Friday.

Sheila, if a spice cost 79 cents, you are right, it is way too old. I was shocked how expensive they are now.

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Re: Wednesday March 5

Postby Cudedog » Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:34 pm

Acadianmom wrote:Sheila, if a spice cost 79 cents, you are right, it is way too old. I was shocked how expensive they are now.


I'm also shocked - and very concerned - about the price of everything just now. I just had a Walmart delivery this morning, including $eggs$ - priced at a fast $8.12/dozen. In mid-January, before the inauguration of the new administration, that same dozen was $5.25. This is "Only" about a 64% increase in the price of eggs over the past eight weeks.

Just sayin. . .

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