we I looked at the weather this morning it looks like we will have snow tonight and into tomorrow... just cause I need to go to the store tomorrow in actuality I could go to three very easily... now if my ride is ok with it

so we have a family chat going have for many years... so today I posted that mom had lots of towels a lot of them the larger than bath size towels think called towel sheets anyway I asked if anyone needed them... some gave ideas but later my sil asked my sister if she had sent the papers she has signed yet reply was no will send them Sat so they will get there after you get home (she will be home on Sat) I just sit here and struggle with it ...She could mail them on Thurs would get there after SIL gets home or the same day and what the heck I do believe she has a PO Box anyway so what is the concern??? she isn't the one that hasn't been able to drive just totally frustrating.... and she of all people wants some towels... oh well it's ok probably can use them except she want's pink ones it's not her color of pink I even sent a picture of it to brother so he could let her know
did toss out a lot of stuff today figure even though the spice didn't have a use by date if it cost .79 it's way too old
didn't do as much as I should have made the mistake off opening up FB so shouldn't do that in the mid day
sounds like all is well... doing what we need to or want to
Shirl hope all was ok for you today
you all have a great day
forgot something I was going to mention have you heard of a Bee Hummingbird??? it is suppose to be the smallest hummer weighing in a less than the weight of a penny ... and the reason you don't see hummer's on the ground their legs won't support them just for a small time gripping a stem or something at least that is what this article said that I read... and if it's on the internet it must be true