Damp Tuesday

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Damp Tuesday

Postby Colliemom » Tue Mar 04, 2025 9:27 am

Morning. At least it’s supposed to be a damp, rainy type dsy with highs in 40’s. So far it’s pretty quiet out there. Heavy rain predicted tonight, which we don’t need with the snow pack here. Then snow coming tomorrow afternoon to Friday. Haven’t seen any accumulations forecast as yet. Most will be lake effect, so can be anything. But sounds like big warm up next week. Typical March. Currently it’s 35°.

Irmi, nice to see a post from you. Sorry about your priest’s health, but wonderful about him becoming a Bishop. Will he be staying in at your church? We too have a big priest shortage in our Diocese. Thankfully we have a number of priests from Nigeria and India here to fill in the gaps or there would be parishes being closed. They come for 3 year missionary terms. We love the one who is our parochial vicar (associate pastor). He’s from Nigeria. Judy, I saw on the News, about that sandstorm. Wondered about you. Barbie, glad you got that furnace issue diagnosed. Maybe you should just get two new hoses and then you know they are both good.

Nuttin’ new going on here. Finished up my latest DP. Need to get a frame for it. Waiting for Hobby Lobby sale but going to check Habitat too. Picked up my taxes yesterday so into the tax file box they go. Done for another year. Bathroom and kitchen cleaning this morning, then might take a run to town. Need a can of Cream of Mushroom soup. And can check out Habitat while I am at it. Am also thinking of maybe making my own frames. Need to snoop You Tube. But right now, better get moving here or I won’t accomplish twit. Have a nice day.
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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:14 pm

Already 87 today and we have a red flag warning. We were sitting outside but the little bugs that love this weather are out in force. Came in and sprayed TY with anti itch stuff, but he's itching like crazy anyway. I don't see any bites on him, so that's good.

Sheila, no definite date for heading to Arizona but figure around mid April. It might be a quick drive or I could take a side trip through the blue bells. Nothing set in stone.
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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Mar 04, 2025 2:52 pm

Good early afternoon gals!

Spent yesterday mostly watching YouTube videos. :roll: I feel a little peppier today but still sitting on my bed with my laptop. :roll:

My neighbor lady next door put up an ad in the clubhouse selling a portable shed (6' x 8') so I want to check that out. She isn't home right now but will try to catch her later on.

I ordered a set of steps to put in front of my door. Mine are small and steep and I am always afraid I will fall. (I think even Judy made a comment about them.) These new ones are deeper (9"), less steep, and the top step is 16" deep. They are built on a metal frame to make them nice and sturdy. Also comes with a hand railing. Got a good deal on it on Amazon too. :D

My door seems to be working better now. Maybe there was some dust that got on the latch area? The furnace is working good now. Will need it for sure in the next week with temps at night down to the mid 30's :shock: . Beautiful day today tho! Sunny and light breeze. Will get a few outside things done today.

One of my old BFF's from Florida is coming out to Sedona with her husband and some friends at the end of April. I plan to go up there and meet up with her. It has probably been close to 20 years since we last saw each other! I would love to spend about 3 or 4 days up there to really see all there is around there, including Jerome and Prescott, but unless I get a really nice tax refund, I don't think I can afford more than 2 nights there and just do a little sightseeing in Sedona area only. I have been up there once before but only for the day.

I better get moving! Almost 1pm already! Have a good day and don't get blown away! :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Mar 04, 2025 6:00 pm

Good that you got better steps, Barbie. I always worry about having an emergency in the dark in my rig and falling down a step. My son's rig, which is very similar to yours, had a first step that was very high, so I bought them one of those larger portable bottom steps. Going outside, at least for me, was a hazard because that last step was so far down.

Still staying inside today. Yesterday, most of the time I could barely see the mountain next to me or in front of the campground, even though they were about 400-600' feet away. And the mountains behind them, had completely disappeared except late in the afternoon when it calmed down a bit. It was not too windy overnight, and I could even see the town of Deming which is about 8 miles away. But this morning, wind got stronger, about 22 MPH, but that is still less than yesterday. I can see the two closest mountains clearly, and the ones behind them slightly. Town has disappeared, except for one end, and you can see waves of sand blowing across the valley between us. So, I am still staying inside. Got enough water to last overnight.

I am REALLY glad I drove here on Sunday! They have signs all along the freeway that said roughly the following if there was a sandstorm:

1) Pull over and park along the shoulder.
2) Stay belted inside your vehicle.
3) Turn off your lights and take your foot off the brake pedal.
4) Wait until storm passes before continuing.

Wind is supposed to drop overnight and stay at about 2-9 MPH tomorrow. I need to do three weeks worth of laundry, so will dump my tanks on the way out, find a laundromat, and then head to Walmart's to pick up milk and a couple of other things. Will also fill my fresh water tank and check oil in engine before going in for night. Bad news is that Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are also going to be windy, but not sure how strong.
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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Mar 04, 2025 6:09 pm

Photos from yesterday:


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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Mar 04, 2025 9:38 pm

The rain got here about noon with the wind. I don't know what speed the wind was but it was blowing things around. I didn't go check the rain gauge to see how much rain I got. The line of storms went through about three and my internet was down all afternoon. Since I wasn't going anywhere I decided to make a tomato gravy. I had a can of Mexican Tomatoes that I needed to use so put that, half a box of cherry tomatoes, half an onion chopped and a couple of links of smoked sausage sliced. I cooked it on low all afternoon and ate it on cornbread for supper. It was a little spicy but not too hot. I haven't made that since Harold has been gone, it was one of his favorites.

The steps going in my motorhome are steep and I have had several people fall getting out including me. I always tell people to hold on to the handle until they are on the ground. If the jacks are down I have to put a small step that is about 5 inches tall or the last step is a long way.

I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. Probably put my mulch out and see how much more I need.

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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 04, 2025 11:37 pm

Barbie, I almost bought, probably, the steps you did. But I had friends who pretty much demanded I let them make my steps for the tt. I'm glad you're getting those. For staying in one place it's much safer to have steps and the railing is a must for me.

I went to a local bar/restaurant with one of my friends here today for Taco Tuesday. $1 tacos, I had 3. Of course we can't forget the 2 margaritas lol. Actually, I think that's the first alcohol I've had in several months. But I am a sucker for a margarita. I think I'll do this again once before leaving. It was nice. And so was the company. I was paying as this man and one other are always ready to help with anything and I feel guilty that they won't take any pay. I could only get 1 to come today but while he argued, he let me pay.
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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:00 am

Good that you got better steps, Barbie. I always worry about having an emergency in the dark in my rig and falling down a step. My son's rig, which is very similar to yours, had a first step that was very high, so I bought them one of those larger portable bottom steps. Going outside, at least for me, was a hazard because that last step was so far down.

My bottom step is 13" off the ground! :o That is why I got the exercise step to put in front of that. Besides being afraid of falling myself, I would feel awful if someone else fell! I also ordered some boat flooring to cut and put on the steps for additional traction. It is waterproof and also a lighter color so it will be easier to see at night, since the steps are black. It will be about 2 weeks before I get the steps delivered.

I was so tired all day since I didn't get to sleep last night until 3:30am. I did go to WM for a couple things, stopped at my storage unit and then went to visit David & Julie. Wasn't there too long tho. Been just chilling here since I got home. Will head to bed soon here!

It was a beautiful day tho, sunny, mid 70's and a nice breeze! Would have been a great day to go hiking, but I was way too tired.

Judy, I remember many days in the Coachella Valley where I couldn't see any of the mountains around me due to all the dust. It was hazy here the other day but could still see the mountains. I think because there are more plants and trees in the deserts around here that the dust doesn't get kicked up quite as bad.

Need to do some cleaning in here tomorrow and make a couple phone calls, etc. Probably should get some outside things done too, since the weather is gonna get bad (cold and rainy) on Thursday and Friday.

I found out that the shed my neighbor has is made of canvas and has no floor so is not really a shed but more of a gazebo type thing, so that won't work for me. I am still only paying $20 per month for my 5 x 10 ft storage unit so that is very affordable for now.

Good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Damp Tuesday

Postby snowball » Wed Mar 05, 2025 1:26 am

Anne it will depend upon when we have to leave the house I was pretty much thinking not until this fall but right now I honestly don't know I guess from what I heard today that my youngest brother had talk to a couple of people that will do a walk through guess they aren't realtor's not sure who they are but if they like what they see we won't have to pay the realtor's fee.... but it also means that it could happen quicker than I expected... guess we will see need to see what the person that came today determined... regardless there is still a lot to do... had my nephew pull down the stuff in the cupboard over the stove as well as the one that I worked on yesterday from that top shelve and the back on the one I couldn't reach so guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow... brother tossed away a couple of items himself and the outside of a couple I picked up was so sticky from I guess what is in the air that seeps into the cupboard above the stove... I might wear gloves tomorrow :lol:
still need to read my scriptures with everything going on I got out of my routine...
other steps always feel safer brother was saying that he thought I shouldn't use the 5th wheel because of getting into the trailer... if I stayed in a rv park in town I could get something to stabilize the steps or have someone build some... so at this moment I don't know what I will be doing exactly my room at dd's won't be ready for me till next summer if then I so need to sit down with dd and grandson's and figure it all out... different options
driving through the blue bonnets sounds like a good idea Beth
talked with my granddaughter to see if she was interested in any beds or dressers or both
I got my books today not only the monthly delivery but the first book of the series I had ordered
have two now I know that there is a 3rd one but don't know for sure how many although just looked and there are 4 siblings so guessing 4 books
glad things are working better Barbie
looks quite the wind storm Judy glad that you weren't driving
you all have a great day
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