Another Sunny Wednesday

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Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby Colliemom » Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:46 am

Good Morning. Thought I would throw a post out this morning since I haven’t been in for a bit. Been under the weather these past few days. Didn’t feel good Sunday Morning and wound up with chills, stuffy feeling in back of my nose and just so darn sleepy. Felt like a cold. I knew it wasn’t Covid, cause a number of symptoms were missing and the warm dry weather we are having is causing a lot of people to have sinus issues right now. Right now.I think some of issue was over tired as well. I slept most of Sunday afternoon and night and periods of Monday and yesterday. Am feeling better this morning, but slight chills keep coming and going. This too shall pass.

Judy, you asked about the weather out here. Yes it is hot, but not the same type hot that it is in mid summer. We are averaging 10-15 degrees above normal. But with the fall equinox approaching, the sun is at a lower angle and so takes most of the day to heat up and then it cools down. We have been averaging low to mid 80’s, very dry, no humidity. Fire danger is Extreme due to lack of rain. Definitely not the norm for this time of year. But nights are in upper 40’s to low 50’s. Basically it’s been pleasant here where I am. I open the windows in the house once it warms up a bit out there and we’ve had some nice breeze coming in all day. My house has been staying at least 10 degrees cooler than outside thanks to the lake breeze. Cool down headed in next week. One consolation is I’m saving on energy bills. No furnace needed and no A/C, the which of I don’t have at the moment and don’t need if I did have.

Beth, I’m enjoying your tales of your stay in SD. Why not stay at that cabin you are in? You definitely are in your element in that area.
Barbie, sounds like you are moving right along with your plans. Best of luck. Irmi, so glad the hymn sing went so well. Sounds like you are settling back in for the winter now.

Can’t think of anything else at the moment to add here, so am signing off. Have a nice day all.
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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:23 am

Good morning Sue, glad to hear you are on the mend. When I dont feel good sleep is definitely my friend. We have temps down to the high 40's 50's in the morning but will warm up to the high 70's into some low 80's for today and the rest of the week. We were chilly and got some rain yesterday so that is always welcome.

My neighbor and handyman Steve brought over his electrician friend yesterday and he is going to install some recessed lights in my living room and family room. It is so dark in there due to my awning that goes the full 64 feet on my back deck and another shorter one on my front deck but covers the formal dining area. Also going to install a couple of ceiling fans, change my porch lights and a couple of new boxes in my electric outlets inside. I saw his work at my neighbor Steve's house (he bought to flip) and they have been working renovating every room, it looks really nice. They had him install recessed lights and I really liked them.

Today is Bunco afternoon. I enjoy the ladies I play with so looking forward to it. And I dont have to go too far just the next street over. Gets me out of the house so that is good. Otherwise I end up shopping and spending money LOL I have spent enough money this week. Since my IPAD that I use at night to read or play some games in bed died. I bit the bullet and bought another one. I have had the other one for a very long time, in fact so long that when I checked to see what the trade in value on it might be with Apple they told me where the nearest place was to recycle it LOL LOL LOL I never thought I would embrace ANY Apple products after my debacle with the Mac computer years ago but I am liking my iphone and iwatch so guess I am a convert now. BUT no Mac computer. I am still learning Windows 11 on one of my laptops. Since they wont be supporting Windows 10 pretty soon (so they say) I am trying to get up to speed on 11.

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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:39 am

Sue, had I known what a deal I was getting for this cabin, I wouldn't be moving. But they aren't the most organized. I did try to extend my stay and it showed them full, thus I booked the motel for two nights. Yesterday I thought about changing but would have had to do it the previous day to avoid cancelation fees. So move, I'll do. Time to get the car loaded again. And TY walked. It might be hard to visit my friends at the store on grocery delivery day and not pitch in and help lol. Karen, have fun at bunco.
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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:25 am

Good morning gals,

Same routine as yesterday morning. Luckily, the mowers didn't start up until 7:30 this morning. They mow, then rake up the debris in piles, then collect those piles, then come by with the blowers to blow out the rest of the debris and dust all over everything. I waited until they got the piles raked up and just went out and moved my car across the street. Now they can blow out everything in my carport so I don't have to do it later. My car is a mess but I a lot of that will blow off when I drive it and I will get it washed before I leave town anyways. I will get the deck, shed and outside stuff cleaned up and organized hopefully tomorrow or Friday. My goal is to have the last week for getting last minute stuff taken care of and relaxing a bit before heading out. Also spend a little time with a few friends here. Some of my friends who are snowbirds won't be coming down until later so I will miss them.

Sue, glad you are starting to feel better.

Sheila, I just read that the BLM LTVA in Q will be raising their rates from $180 per season to $600 per season next year! I think it isn't a final decision yet but I think they are asking for comments and opinions on that decision so you might want to check their website to look into that further.

I think I got dust in my eyes because they are all itchy and watery now. I will definitely be staying inside all day today!

Romeow must have really missed me on this last trip because he is with me all the time now. He sleeps next to me and wants to me in my lap (under a blanket), which is so not like him. I ordered calming collars for them for the trip. I set up their little screen room yesterday in the living room and they are both liking it. I put a blanket, toys and treats in there so they will be more comfortable being in there and will hopefully not mind it when we are in the motel. It is big enough for the bed, litter box, and food dish. I also ordered a small hard-sided cube/bed so one cat can be inside and one on top of it. They also seem to like it better when I put a blanket over it so it is safe and cozy feeling. They will both be in carriers in the back seat of the car next to each other.

Julie and I figured out a plan for when I get out there. I will leave early from Yuma and get to their place around noon, leave the cats in the bedroom there and then we will both go to the storage place just a mile down the road and unload the trailer. We will put things I need to bring right away for the new place, in our cars. I will stay with them overnight and then we will both drive to the new house on Sunday and get me moved in there. I will go back and pick up the cats after that. It is only a half hour drive from their house to my new place and it is a really pretty drive along the mountains with not much traffic. I think Julie is jealous of me living in that area because it is so pretty and near a lot of trail heads into the mountains. I also think the road up the mountain is near there. There isn't much of a town at the top but there are a couple restaurants and campgrounds up there. Will have to check it out.

I think I hear the blowers out there now...

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:36 pm

I called around to several places yesterday and no one wanted to deal with a gas motorhome as big as mine, so I ended up calling CoachNet and they found a place this morning that would check it out. Place found two cylinders that were missing, and are in the process right now of fixing one. May not have to fix second one if first one is causing most of the problem. Keeping fingers crossed. Originally, I thought all they would do today was diagnose problem, but they had a mechanic free.

Hoping it is not too expensive and this fixes the missing. Then today I need to call a mobile mechanic to fix a couple of small things. Biggest one is that struts or whatever those things are that help you lift bed are not working, so I can't lift bed to get things stored there.

Otherwise, a bit chilly today, but I am feeling a bit better.
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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Sep 18, 2024 9:41 pm

Engine is no longer missing! :D Originally, this repair shop was supposed to only check the engine with the electronic monitor, but one of the mechanics finished his previous job early, so was available to check on it and actually work on it. One defective coil was causing all of the problems, so they ordered the part from the local Ford dealer, installed it, and then rechecked all the 10 cylinders, and everything was fine. I expected a horrible fee, but it was only $370--$96 for the new coil from Ford and 2.5 hours of labor. Done in three hours, and away I went. Ran a couple of errands and then home to campground by 5 pm. Got set up and moved my front TV into operating position and it stopped working! I think i let the arm go too far and might have pulled out a plug, so will get up there (on front bunk) tomorrow to check things out.

Got several small projects to do tomorrow, among them to call RV mechanic to fix struts under bed and igniter for front furnace. Had a Jimmy Johns sandwich for dinner and am now relaxing. I signed up to stay here the entire next week, and this will give me some time to do some tasks, as well as maybe get a haircut and some other things.
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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Sep 18, 2024 10:03 pm

Judy, that's great news. It has to have made you feel better.

I should have checked if I could stay at the cabin and if they'd not charge me for canceling at this motel. The cabin was 1/2 the price and so much nicer. Hindsight is 20/20 as my mother used to always say. That said my dinner was cheese and crackers followed by a chocolate frozen custard from Culvers (which is next to this motel).

Barbie, I can't imagine that drastic amount will pass but you never know. I read about that, also.

I have a few drives to decide between for tomorrow. I think I should take TY out a last time (he's sleeping soundly after that "horrible" visit to the vet lol) But I don't want to be out in the middle of the night so time to wake him up. I've been getting up early but have to make sure I do the next two mornings. They have continental breakfast to 9 am. I hope I like enough to take my fill at these prices.
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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Sep 18, 2024 10:48 pm

I finally made it to town this afternoon. Went to bank, post office and Walmart. I will be glad when they get through with the road work in the downtown area. I never know which streets are going to be closed. They have redone all the curbs and parking around the court house. I pity the 18-wheeler that makes a mistake and tries to go downtown. I was going to try to mow this afternoon but I got home too late. We had a shower so probably better to let it dry some again.

I cooked a turkey pot pie for lunch so since the oven was hot I decided to make the pumpkin bread. It is very good. The recipe makes 3 small loaves. I put one in the freezer and will give one to my son when I see him.

Judy, glad the RV repair worked out in your favor. I have always had good luck with Coach Net finding me help. I should see if they could put some struts on the twin beds in my motorhome. If I need to get something out from under them I have to put the mattress in the floor if I can't get someone to help me.

I'm not having much luck finding some rugs I like. I keep forgetting to measure the hall in the RV to see how wide it is. The rugs I have are 19 inches wide by 6 foot long. I can find some that are close in size but haven't found anything I like.

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Re: Another Sunny Wednesday

Postby snowball » Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:24 am

it's been down right chilly today... fall has arrived I guess so now time to complain about how cold it is...
I saw that Barbie but where I read it at I wasn't sure if it was for the vendors that work on BLM land... such as RV tech's or honey wagon's the like... if they are raising the prices that much I wonder what the RV parks are charging in town I can't remember what it used to be... I will have to try and find that web site to post my dismay especially when you don't have water in each of the 4 parts of ltblm or whatever the initials would be :roll: and really why raise the price unless the dumpsters are costing more... it isn't like they pay a lot for the attendants at the check in... I think it is or was free site and a small amount... of course that may have changed as well but frankly that is a huge increase.
Karen I finally frosted the cake had some tonight... a bit dry not sure if that is because of he brand of mix or I over baked it or I made it Monday night and just had some tonight... any thoughts?
Judy so glad that all is well with your motor home... and that wasn't a bad price at all... reminds me I need to get the oil changed in mom's car... now to get your issues inside your rv fixed... enjoy your R&R while there
Sue hopefully you are feeling better
Martha glad you liked your pumpkin bread... have a recipe for pumpkin squares... that are really good need to find the recipe again and make it easier than pie although actually pie isn't that hard to make..
Beth got to get up for the continental breakfast hope it's worth it.... enjoy your time in the Black Hills a beautiful area for sure ... my mom was raised in Rapid City.. played in the belly of those dino's while they were being built...
you all have a great day
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