Hot Sunday

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Hot Sunday

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:18 pm

I walked out to put some clothes in the motorhome and feed the cats and had to sit in front of the fan again. The temperature is 95 and the humidity is probably high. I should get something that tells the humidity. The heat reminded me to load the box fan. I always bring one in the summer in case of an air conditioner emergency. I keep the air conditioner set at 87 so it will come on sometimes to keep the mud daubers out. It is working fine at home but I'm sure I'll have trouble again at a campground.

I'm trying to decide whether to go get gas for the mower and see how the truck is running or wait until tomorrow. I have left overs in the refrigerator so didn't cook.

A few days ago I found a small container of Blue Bell A&W Root Beer Float ice cream. I'm not much of an ice cream eater but that is really good. The Blue Bell factory is in Texas so don't know how far they deliver it.

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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:43 pm

Afternoon. Just got back from our Block party. Sooooo much food. Richard and his BIL cooked ribs and chicken, it was delicious. Lots of salads and desserts. Met quite a few of my neighbors so that was fun. Brought some chicken and ribs home for later or tomorrow. Most likely for tomorrow as I am pretty full right now. The weather was perfect we all had shade as they used the neighbors carport too and had several canopies set up. And a nice breeze in the carport. A nice day for sure. Now I am a beached whale in my recliner.....wont need anything else to eat tonight.

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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby Bethers » Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:50 pm

Martha, about 25 years ago while visiting a friend in Texas she took my for a tour at Blue Bell. It was the first time I'd heard of them, but I do see their ice cream more places now. It was a great tour. Mentioning your humidity I looked at my temperature/humidity/date/time thingy and was happy to see 24% for my humidity in here. If it drops below 20% I put my humidifier on. I keep the temp around 80 in here during the day, and with the low humidity, I'm fine. Unless I start vacuuming or something like that lol. The day starts out about 70/72 in here now. So it's awhile before the AC comes on.

I was slow moving this morning so we didn't get as good a walk in, but with some clouds we went back out around noon for another walk. Tomorrow Ginger is picking me up for a trip into Tucson. I believe I'll have Portillo's for lunch. Yum. Sounds like you had a great lunch today, Karen and can repeat it tomorrow.
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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby snowball » Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:32 am

it does sound like a good meal that you had Karen...
dd just had me try some hand lotion says it will soak in quickly still hasn't my hands are so dry normally but really hate to have lotion sit on my hands like to have it soak in quickly we will see how it goes it has shay butter in it which might be why it's not soaking in quickly
dd came over to do the laundry... I forgot to ask her how long it took to come via the other route the very long detour
there is still lots of debate as to what to do but haven't heard what the engineers think ... :lol:
it was weird at supper mom brushed dd's leg and thought it was a dog then said something about bro and sil dog (they had big ones not small dogs and I actually think just the one) then something about they are talking about moving to CA if they do we won't see much of them.. we couldn't get her to say who they were bro won't be moving to CA and his wife has been dead for 6 years... no idea who they are now nephew and niece have two small dogs but I don't picture them moving anywhere in the very near future.... the elderly mind can be entertaining :D
made it to church after lunch laid down and took a nap now I need to read scriptures... at least before I go to sleep
we had a wind go through that was pretty bad seems calmer now may have even rained but only saying that cause it smelled a bit like rain...
have fun wherever you are going Martha
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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:47 am

Sheila, when your mom says things that are wrong or just out of left field, remember not to correct her. She won't understand and in her mind, she is right. Correcting her will just confuse her or upset her. Just go along with it. My mom had Alzheimers and I learned to just accept what she was saying. The only time that alarmed me was when she called me and said she just got married to the "nice man who visits her a lot". That would be her male nurse. She went on and on about the wedding, etc. I called the nursing home after that conversation and told them about it. They said not to worry and that she would probably forget all about it by the next day. She never did mention it again. It is a hard thing to witness tho, when their mind comes up with strange things. It was disturbing to me back when it happened, but now I can look back and laugh about some of the things she said.
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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:15 pm

Sheila, my father when he was in his early 90s went into nursing care for the last 7 months of his life. Memories of long ago can be very real....and depending upon their connection to reality on any given day very confusing for them and us. Dad relayed several "dreams" he had where is was able to talk to long past people from his past..."like they were right there" as he would tell me. There were other things that would sometimes confuse him but he seemed to realize that he was seeing and talking with people from long ago in his life....and he enjoyed the visits... As those line between here and there get thinner.....there are somethings that are still unknowable for most of us.....
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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby Cudedog » Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:01 pm

BirdbyBird wrote: There were other things that would sometimes confuse him but he seemed to realize that he was seeing and talking with people from long ago in his life....and he enjoyed the visits... As those line between here and there get thinner.....there are somethings that are still unknowable for most of us.....

Oh, Tina, how wonderfully and beautifully written.

Who among us can say, with any certainty, what is "real" and what is not?

I do often wonder if (as you have said) when the line "between here and there" begins to come closer. . . that those nearing that great divide might then see things that those of us stubbornly rooted in our own private realities so very easily might miss.

Just because we can't see what they see. . . doesn't mean that what they see isn't there.

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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jun 10, 2024 6:52 pm

One of the characteristics of dementia/Alzheimers is that they can remember long term memory events and can relate stories. It is the short term memory they lose the most. Some still have lucid moments others not so much depending on where they are in the stage of their disease.

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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:53 pm

My mom didn't know who her grandchildren were, but I could show her a photo from her childhood and she could tell me who all was in it, where it was taken, and when. I could verify what she said because she had always written all that on the back of her photos.

One of the last days before my dad passed, when he was in the hospital, he was staring at the ceiling. I was thinking he could see someone who was getting ready to help him cross over. I asked what he was looking at and he said he was looking at the screws that were holding the vent cover on the ceiling! :lol:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Hot Sunday

Postby snowball » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:57 pm

rest assured we didn't correct her... but were very interested in who was moving to CA and with dogs :D
I firmly believe that the veil gets very thin when a person is close to passing away... I totally expect her to have visits from long gone loved ones
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