Saturday, May 25

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Saturday, May 25

Postby Othersharon » Sat May 25, 2024 11:30 am

Just making it into afternoon here! Not sure where to morning went. I’ve just been doing this and that and not accomplishing much. I wrenched my back again the other day putting the small air unit in my bedroom window so that’s been plaguing me again. I thought I was being super careful but apparently not careful enough. But on the plus side I did manage to get the yard mowed yesterday. Just in time for the forecasted rains to come later today. Looking like the holiday weekend will not be very nice for outdoor activities. Not that I had any plans other than walking with Buddy. In fact I probably should get out here in a bit even though it said closer to 4 for it to move in. Clouds are already building though so not sure when it’ll happen. Plus I need to do some grocery shopping sometime this weekend. That I can do in the rain! So not much else happening here so think we’ll get out for a walk in the woods. Don’t remember if I mentioned it but I put my snow shovel away. Don’t think I’ll need it for a few months! Hope everyone is having a good day and have a good holiday weekend.
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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby Bethers » Sat May 25, 2024 11:42 am

Sharon, I hope you're right that the snow shovel won't be needed for awhile!

Ty and I got our walk early so I could go get the sure I needed to read meters at. I went to the office and it's closed. Remodeling happening. So I have no idea when the meters will get read. Oh well.

I saw this on FB and thought of all of us. Enjoy!
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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby Cudedog » Sat May 25, 2024 11:47 am

OMG, Beth!

When did you sneak into my house, take a look at my life, and then snap my picture??


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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat May 25, 2024 12:17 pm

Still morning here. CLoudy right now but supposed to be a great weekend for outdoor activities. As in no rain. Predicting 80 on Monday. I think I will work on my watering drip system today. Need to reposition some lines. Garden is as planted as it is going to get. Will also think about putting together my tomato towers. Just going to putter today. Sheet pan of veggies for dinner.
Anne havent seen you for a while. Do you have your garden all planted?? I am a little behind this year due to the weather but I am of the "if it grows it grows" idea.
Sharon hope your back feels better soon. I hate when I tweak my back, just no position comfortable. I havent done it for a while even with lifting and moving the bags of soil thank goodness. I have several projects in the works but only working on them when I feel like it. The bathroom painting is on hold right now. I am using my motivation for outdoor projects. Soon it will be too darn hot to work outside other than in the morning. Got the stain for the deck but will need to power wash it first. My car needs washing, as do my outside windows and the list goes on.
Time for a shower, get dressed, and maybe a trip to Lowes for some drip system emitters unless I can find mine LOL

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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby Shirlv » Sat May 25, 2024 2:56 pm

Beth, you just described me. Lol

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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby Acadianmom » Sat May 25, 2024 4:06 pm

Beth, that picture describes my hair. It always wants to stand straight up.

Karen, with all the gardening you are doing you could put a vegetable stand in your front yard when things start getting ripe.

Sharon, hope your back feels better. I never did take the small air conditioner out of my bedroom window that I put in last year when my central unit went out. I wish it wasn't there because it blocks my view out the front but too lazy to take it down. I told my sister she could have it if they want it because they use window units. Just hope if I give it away I don't need it.

Barbie, are there any places near you that give out food like churches or the government. My sister picks up food from about 4 places near her for 3 or 4 families. They are always trying to give her more just to get rid of it. She has given me some that they have too much of. There are a couple of cabinets in Abbeville where you can put food for people to take. I put what I can't use there. I don't know what you have to do to qualify but it must not be much.

I have motion sensor night lights all over the house so I don't trip on a cat at night. When the power went out over night a couple of weeks ago I found out that one of the lights is a trouble light and it stayed on all night. I ordered another one to put in the hall and it came today. Trying to get ready for hurricane season. I have a a couple of rechargeable lights the stay on a long time too.

I need to mow in Maurice but giving it one more day to dry up. I'm darn lucky I didn't get the mower stuck in the mud yesterday.

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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby snowball » Sat May 25, 2024 11:55 pm

Martha that mower that you were having so much trouble it the one that goes to the shop often (or seems like it)??? if it is I don't blame you for wanting it gone :lol: did you by the chance get some bad gas?
Beth is your trailer anywhere near where the tornado watch is that is covering 3 states? or most of 3 states... hope not and hopefully it's not as bad as it made it sound...
while at my daughter's she watched a show several times via some streamer ... if I remember the name of it it was White Collar???? I think some FBI caught the same con artist three times they decided to use his expertise to help them catch the bad guys... was really good I'm sure when it came out it must have been opposite something that I watched routinely so didn't watch it as I believe I would have liked it ... I know I did the few times she had it on... wish I could see how he got out of another FBI (who gets his guy and usually not alive) had a gun pointed at him..
went and got flowers to decorate the graves with... with 10 it takes a bit of flowers and they don't go down in price... I remember when we lived in SLC I'd bring them up because it was cheaper there... spent a lot of money today... with food and flowers and gas...
other than the store and putting my stuff away I didn't do much oh made a salad after decorating the graves we usually go to a park and have lunch so made a salad.... the recipe calls for bow tie pasta.... went to get them and didn't have them could have sworn that I had some... but I used the salad rototi totally misspelled the person who did the recipe years ago said you can do what you wish just do two veggies and two fruit with the pasta and chicken then it calls for a dressing actually calls for coleslaw bottled dressing but I usually make my own did buy it but don't know where it went oh I put it in the fridge... might take it back
and have stuff to make cucumber salad but not sure I have the time to do so... I made it awhile back greats were here the little girl liked it so much she asked her grandma to make it now I can't find the recipe and don't recall a lot about it other than it had dill in it...
hopefully Barbie you will hear from someone soon ... door dash might be good for you or does it get pretty quite in the summer time there?
I like the picture it is so me I told my granddaughter she needed to take the wild out she didn't not sure what to do to get rid of it... the wild that is
I should go put mom's stuff away ... but think I will probably not I did get a nap in won't tomorrow... so will need to read scriptures later...
you all take care
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Re: Saturday, May 25

Postby Bethers » Sun May 26, 2024 1:46 am

Sheila, I've never seen White Collar. I just googled it and sounds like something is probably like and it shows being on one of my streaming services. So I'll probably check into it. It was on for, I think, 6 years. So if I like it it'll keep me busy for a little bit. Lol. As to tornados, I haven't seen any near far south Texas, but anything can happen!

I have 2 sets of keys for the casita with a third in the office here. Of my two, only one has a mailbox key. I got mail yesterday or day before and noticed tonight my set of those keys weren't where I've been leaving them. I searched high and low and no clue what happened. There's the off chance I left the keys in the lock on the mailbox, but I've never done that before. I will look tomorrow. The office is closed until Tuesday and there is a mailbox key there and there is also the possibility I dropped them and someone might have turned them in (with nothing on them to identify them) so one way or another I'll get it taken care of this week. Just frustrating that they are missing.
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