Good Morning. A new day is upon us. Looking sunny and into mid 70’s here. Currently 40°. Spring is busting out all over. Trees are leafing out and so many shades of green out there. Wild Cherry trees are blooming with their white blossoms and the trillium are up and starting to bloom. Morel mushrooms should be popping too. The mushroom hunters will be out. They are a prime delicacy this time of year, but takes time, patience and a sharp eye to find them in the woods among the leaves and other detritus on the ground.
Hair cut on my schedule this morning, then off to Lowe’s and Meijer. I finished the flowerbed circle around the flagpole yesterday, now will wait on Mother Nature before I go get the Perennials to plant in it. Need to get some topsoil to level off the old outer ring around it. So still a work in progress.
Otherwise nothing exciting around here. Think I will work in the wood crafts today. Got quite a collection in the basement to varnish and get ready to put out. And a bit more on my kitchen table in the works. The boy and girl are showing off their under garments Their outfits are laying on the table. There will be different ones to come.
O’Sharon, nice to see your post but sorry you have a few health issues. At our age, we accomplish what we can. Sounds like Buddy's in the
puppy exploring stage. New season with new stuff. Hope you get your issues under control.
Have a nice day everybody.