I can read and think need to comment on that then on to the next post and and so and get to the end and forgot what I was going to comment on... I remember reading about that GTG other than most of you being sick it sounds like it was a fun time...
now I remember... it was Sarah who posted about that campground she was at it and lots of damage and some personal injuries.... but Sarah was ok....
another oh hum day dd came tonight so she can take me back to Idaho tomorrow for the weekend have an eye appointment as well as a hair appointment and stuff to get... like lots of stuff Jackson doesn't at this time have a "department" type store so when you do go where the big box stores are you load up...
but of course food wise I can't think of anything I need part of it is the timing eye appointment at walmart so want to what needs to be done there then so not getting anything fresh then we need to kill several hours of time before my hair appointment at 5:30 late but that was what he had
made sloppy joes for supper every once in awhile it really tastes go dang just now remembered the serving of potato salad still in fridge that I was going to get out will probably toss it away if it doesn't get eaten tomorrow...
need to do a bit of packing tomorrow think I will bring back my plants if they are still alive I totally forgot to have anyone go out and water them last week and when I asked them to on Monday my dd was on her way out of town... so don't know if she remembered when she got home....
well you all have a great day