Good afternoon gals!
Yes Beth, space heaters use a LOT of electricity ($$$).
Cheaper to use propane.
I opened my windows last night and by 5am had to close the windows, get an extra blanket on me, and turn the heat on for a bit. Now I have the AC on, but only because I am house cleaning and I get warm moving around so I like the cooler air on me. Lola has been out on the porch since this morning.
What a difference a week makes! Was in the low 100's last week and now in the 70's. I even grabbed a windbreaker to wear to work yesterday morning.
I also bought stuff for making chili yesterday, too. Great fall comfort food!
I am using my 3 days off to do "spring" cleaning in here. Lots of deep cleaning and reorganizing to do. I am going to do a lot more tossing of things this time. Just hate all the clutter! Time for it to go!
Lola seems to be feeling better. She looks better to me, fur looks nicer so she must be grooming again.
Martha, glad you are getting missed by this latest hurricane. What do they do now that they have gone thru the Greek alphabet for names? Zeta won't be the last storm of this season I am sure.
Judy, sorry you got chased out of the Grand Canyon by the cold weather. Arizona and California will be warming up now to seasonal temps so you should be more comfortable for awhile.
Time to get back to work here...scrubbed the bathroom and now need to sort thru all the stuff I had crammed into every nook and cranny in there and get rid of most of it. Then on to the bedroom...
Have a good day!