Rainy Thursday

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Rainy Thursday

Postby JudyJB » Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:23 am

Oregon is having some much-needed rain today. The grass is brown and I noticed that the blackberries are not as large as they usually are. Nice and cool, however.

I figured I would start this morning because I am actually up and dressed. I had a teleconference with my department at the college that started at 7:30 am my time! Yikes! Anyway, I did not get dressed, so did not turn on my video cam. The colleges are not doing well financially with the virus affecting enrollment. We have been 100% online for summer and will be online for fall, but many of the classes will have a live Zoom component. The classes will meet via Zoom for 2 hours per week and students will have 2 hours per week worth of online stuff to do. My class will be 100% online as usual because many of my students work weird schedules and cannot attend a regular session. Most are in their 20s and working things like restaurants, health clubs, retail, etc where they do not even know their schedules until a week ahead of time.

So, have to move spots today to one just down the row, so am getting ready to pack up and run all my errands. I have to dump my tanks and put stuff away outside and in. Then, need to go to post office to pick up a package, fill up my tank with gas, hit Dollar Tree to pick up the few things I like to get there, then on to Camping World for an oil change at noon.

Sometime, either before or after oil change, I have to find a laundromat. This county park has a fantastic laundry, but it and the showers are closed, per Oregon declaration from governor. Irritating because all that does is send us to more dangerous commercial laundromats. I have at least 3 loads of clothing and bedding and one load of rugs, so I really cannot put it off any longer, unfortunately. I will wear a mask and put stuff in the machines and then go sit in my rig while it washes.
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby Bethers » Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:16 pm

Afternoon Judy. I had a mess this morning. I must have knocked the cold water on my bathroom sink on my way out and didn't notice. If I'd had my hearing aids in, I would have. Yes, when I put my hearing aids in ready to leave, I heard the water running. Next I see water coming down my center aisle. :o ... Get to the bathroom and turn the water off. Grab towels and start drying everything. I've always thought my bathroom sink drains into the black tank... Emptied the grey tank and sink was still full of water. Now I know for sure. Empty the black tank. Finished cleaning up. Grabbed my dirty laundry bag that soaked up some water and decided today needed to be my laundry day, also. Headed to the store and put my laundry in two of the washers marked "out-of-order". I'm the tester lol... Both, luckily worked correctly. Cleaned the laundromat while down there. Handled some vendors in the store. Bought two little already mixed margaritas... But as much as I wanted one for lunch, have delayed until later. Oh, I also discovered one of my outside bins was wet (Nothing to do with the above issue) so I emptied it. I keep only things that it doesn't matter if they get wet in that bin so not a big deal, but a pain on top of the other. This afternoon I'll put things back in there and maybe put new sealer on the bin door. That's the only way I can imagine water sometimes getting in there.

Then I splurged. I need NO clothes! But a friend is having an online t-shirt party and I did something stupid and was looking through the posts. Yes, I've ordered two. Luckily was smart enough to quit looking. I obviously can't trust myself today.

Ok, time for a late lunch.
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Re: Rainy Thursday

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Aug 06, 2020 7:44 pm

Sorry Beth, what a mess. Good thing you heard the water before you left.

I have to take Sugar for her checkup tomorrow and need to go to Walmart. I can't leave her in the car so it was either go today or make 2 trips tomorrow. So I went to Walmart. I just love when they have 2 check out lanes open. I actually went through the self check out the other day with my son. He told me "Congratulations, now you work for Walmart." :evil: They had some of the frozen mixed drinks in a freezer on an end aisle so I got a margarita too. They are a little too sweet but kept me from going to the drive thur drink place.

I am tempted by some of the shirt ads that show up on Facebook. I have to keep reminding myself that I can't put anything else in my closet. I have bought and been given so many camping pajamas that I will never run out.

The people that are making all the rules about what can and can't be open make some dumb choices. Like closing all the state parks in Florida and Texas and making all the snowbirds get out on the roads and travel when all this started. Our phase 2 has been extended again but at least the state parks are open.

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