Spending some breakfast time in a Cracker Barrel west of Louisville waiting for he rush hour traffic in the city to get where they need to go. I got away from the show site late because of the late ring times for group judging. Josef did pick up another Owner Handler Sporting Group 4 then we finished up our packing and made as many miles as we could. The Cracker Barrel choice was perfect. Free parking, a salad for dinner, off the road before dark and an opportunity for fresh egged and bacon for breakfast! Walmart is right next door an the other end of the near shopping strip but I bet my lot was quieter.
I was just reading the Aeon post for the day about creativity and the relationship to orderliness and disorder. Well the most interesting part was well down into the essay in the paragraph that suddenly brought up the topic of a gene that scientist believe that they have discovered that they refer to as “The wanderlust gene”. Those seeking discovery and novelty and adventures...willing to take risks..... Think some of us are in that 20%, eh!
Find yourself some opportunities for smiles, laughter, wonder and deep pondering today! Hug a critter.