The flower is a rose that is wide open with 4 buds surrounding it.
I am certainly not complaining about the weather! Will have plenty of heat to deal with once I get to Indio tomorrow!
The walk-thru went well. Went to pick up the UHaul trailer and they didn't have the 5X8 that I ordered. They ended up upgrading me to a 6X12 trailer! Now I don't have to worry about if it will all fit in there. Will have lots of space left over.
Still have some last minute stuff to pack up and then some cleaning left. Am taking a break and since I have no food here, I might walk over to Costco and pick up some dinner there. Hoping to be on the road by noon tomorrow. Will just check into the motel when I get there, and then wait until Tuesday morning to unload the trailer and drop that off. Then relax until I get the keys on Wednesday morning, when the work starts up again.
I realized that moving is kind of like having a baby. You forget how much work it is, until you do it again.