Irmi, your food sounds so good. Good thing I'm not closer. lol Saturday night some of us at the campout went to a German Restaurant. The food was pretty good and I loved the red cabbage. I had never had that before. I'm going to see if I can make it. I'm not a beer drinker but I had a draft beer that was good. I could have had another one but didn't want to be carried out. I wish I had written down the name of it. I don't think we have any German Restaurants around here.
I left for Houston on Thursday. It was 79 here Wednesday but it got cold in Houston. Good thing my heavy coat was in the camper. We were at a campground in town. It was nice but I was in the row nearest the road. I was about as far from the road as my house is at home. My road at home is a dead end country road and in Houston it was a freeway.
I usually run the heat strip in my air conditioner so that drowned out the traffic noise if it was on but I didn't sleep very well. We went to the RV Show on Friday and I walked until my knees hurt and I don't usually have knee problems. It was all that concrete. Good thing it was inside because it was cold. I have been going to Houston for 50 years and I-10 has always been under construction some where. I have never seen it so bad. Almost all of it is under construction.
I got everything unloaded and most of the washing done. The vet's office called me last week because Stinky is due for her shots. Most of my cats are about 10 and now they want to do a senior profile which involves drawing blood. Stinky gets so upset going to the vet she usually throws up and poops in the kenned. They had trouble getting blood last year. I'm not putting her through a senior profile again.
OMG, $450 for a mouth guard. I have been wondering if my tooth pain isn't from grinding my teeth at night since it comes and goes. I wonder if one of the sports guards from Academy would work? Would sure be a lot cheaper.