Good Morning RVing sistahs! I am checked into my third Camp Driveway of the summer. This, too, is a fine place to be. Today has some more site seeing on the agenda. Lake Michigan sandy beaches will be our primary target with the apple farms as our secondary target. The peaches at the Farmers Market have been so good. I shall be making some biscuit fried pies here pretty quick. Will use some of the last apricots, peaches, apples and I may try some pears I got at last weeks Farmers Market up north by Sue's place.
It is downright nippy here in this camping spot as the temperature is a very cool, read nearly cold, at 53*. Today's high should be around the low 70's. YES, I am bragging.
If you are on the road, please be careful. If you are parked have a bit of fun!