Morning everyone,
Well, the day has arrived when we start another chapter in the history of the U.S. A new administration takes office and another leaves.
Fun day coming up here. Going over to my cousin's for lunch with some other ladies she has invited over. Haven't been able to get together all winter so far due to one thing or another. In fact, cuz came over to help me move last June, brought her lunch along and a container of cupcakes to celebrate my birthday. Both are still sitting on top of my refrigerator since then as she forget them when she left. So tells you how long it's been I ran a bunch of errands yesterday and got the paint for the guest bathroom. Will do that probably next week. Otherwise just been puttering around here. Did do some work on my drive, clearing the hardpack snow and ice off since the weather is a bit mild and we did have some sun the other day. It's 3/4 clear now and that's as far as I'm going. Keep hoping we get some snow in the near future but so far it's more light rain or mix coming in. Snow would cover up the ice in the yard from all this mild weather, freezing rain and what not over the past week.
Judy, you sound like you are really enjoying your "ocean view". As to good Ol' Michigan. It's only the northern part of the state and the U.P., that have winter, the rest are enjoying a bit of spring per say. No snow. As Louise said, she could go out and do some work in her yard. Carol, sorry about all the issuws that you had the other day. As they say, when it rains, it pours and you got a downpour
Q GTG is starting, so will be fun hearing about that in the coming days. Have fun gals. Then the scene switches back to FL for the next GTG. I'm starting to thing spring myself, but first need to get the new wheels decision taken care of. Have a nice day everybody.