Checking in...going to Utah tomorrow babysitting the youngest gd for three days...then back up to Ogden for a couple of days
then need to be available to baby sit the son's daughters one is 7 the youngest will be 3 in Nov. he sometimes ends up having to work on
Sat. so need to be available just in case then will be babysitting the girls all week...then back home and see if I can get ready to leave
on the 24 while in Utah need to decide what to do about the hitch...right now think it is what is cheapest..the new truck has a gooseneck
to use it need a adapter for the gooseneck to work on the 5th wheel...or if I use my 5th wheel hitch need new rails put into the truck..the other
went with the old truck...have a lot that I still need to go through take care of
I have decided that no more babysitting in the month I leave well be gone most of two weeks