Saturday, me again?

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Saturday, me again?

Postby carolb » Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:13 am

Gmorning all:)

Well, it seems like I'm back into the swing of things, getting online first thing in the a.m. & opening MC? Just too dark outside at this time of year so I have a lot of time to spare til daylight:) Almost light now & will get out to HB shortly. Need to plug him in & run my little electric heater while I clean/organize. Only to be in mid40's today..

Sue, I saw where snow is in your forecast, just as we have chances of flurries. Thankfully, a warm-up next week for you & here in NY:) Bro & I have just two more projects to finish. Hope to get to them this coming week, then I'll be on my way outta here! Happy bday to Mollie:)!

Mickie, glad it's only 2 WEEKS without your Trek--maybe I misread your msg? I love those spontaneous happy hours--did you know all your neighbors or was it an opportunity to meet new ones?

Laundry about to come out of dryer, so will get on with my day. Y'all have a great one & be safe wherever you are:)
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby gingerK » Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:32 am

Mornin' Carolb and all who follow,
Yeah, I'm up early too today; hunting season and I drop off the hunters at their spot. Trying to wait til it's almost light to go feed client's horses and walk dogs. Not fun in the dark. I think mine are getting used to being put out of the barn in the dark I've done it so much lately.

Sue, hear you and Molly have snow already! You can just keep my share up there.

Covered up all my geraniums with towels last night and started the little electric heater in Angel. It's nice and toasty in there this morning!

Lots of work today, many trips on my schedule but a local thrift store is having a 50% off on everything sale so I think I'll fit that in between my trips. You never know what you'll find! Since I also have stuff to donate, maybe I'll take the truck and drop off/pick up at the same time! Win-win!

At one client's house yesterday while walking their dog I noticed a sprinkler still running in what was left of their garden. So we turned it off; no reason to leave it on needlessly. Then I also saw that they still had some tomatoes left, figured I'd better pick what I could before last night's cold ruined them. Got quite a large bag and left them in the kitchen for the clients. Of course, I brought home a few for myself, the clients will not mind sharing.

Ok I'm off to work, everyone take care,
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Colliemom » Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:05 am

Good Morning ladies,

Carolb, so nice to see you start MC these days. Such cheery greetings to start everybody's day. Sounds like it won't be long and you will be hitting the road for the SW.

Yep Kathy, you are right as to the snow. There is a good 2, maybe 3 inches of heavy wet snow out there this morning. And fall color is at it's peak here right now too, so will make for some interesting pictures later on.

Other than a quick trip to town yesterday, I didn't do a darn thing around here except color all day. Just wanted to color on my page I was doing, finished that and started another. It was such a relaxing day doing that and I'm now rested up and ready to tackle today, which will be cleaning house eventually ad fixing some beef stew in the slow cooker for dinner.. Miss Molly and I did go for our long walk yesterday though, snow showers and all.

Kathy, hope things settle down for you. Sounds like yesterday you definitely had a visit from Murphy. Hope he leaves real soon.

Time to get a move on here, get dressed and wait for the day to move along so I can go take a few pictures later on. Have a nice day everybody :)
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Queen » Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:35 am

Morning all!

Carolb - they were mostly people I'd met, but it was just so much fun to have them all show up unexpectedly!

Sue - I shivered reading about snow! It's 66 here this morning and I thought that was pretty cool. :D

We have a good friend visiting that we haven't seen in almost two years! We stayed up late last night catching up and now she's on her way for coffee and a day at the beach, so fun!!
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby avalen » Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:20 am

good morning ladies
ahhhh I slept in, surprised myself, it was actually day light when I woke up. Sat outside having my coffee this mornig
for a good hour, didn't realize it sprinkled some during the night until I got out of the chair and my bottom was damp from the chair. :lol:
Don't know what project I'll get into today, but I think it will involve something outdoors.
Can't believe my little grand is 3 years old already,
they have gone on vacation to San Diego for a week, birthday party on the 1st of Nov. Guess I need to go
About time to get dressed and get started on my day, ya'll have a great day
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:59 am

Yesterday I was touring the Tabasco Factory with Birdie and Colleen. We were just checking out of the store with all our Tabasco goodies when I got a call from Harold. He had fallen and one of his horse friends was bringing him to the emergency room. I met them at the ER and he has 2 broken ribs. He has had every rib broken several times over the years because of the horses. This time he tripped and landed on his elbow. At least he didn't break his arm. We have all the equipment left over from his knee replacements. I'm glad I ordered the part to fix his lift chair a month ago and it is working again. So far he has managed to get by just taking Aleve. I'm glad my son is still here. He can help babysit so I can get out some. I'm hoping to make it to happy hour at Betty's.

Our weather is so nice it would be a good weekend to go fishing. Guess I won't be fishing for a while. Just glad I don't have to worry about snow. I hope it doesn't decide to freeze while my motorhome is in the shop.

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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:57 pm

Ouch, on the broken ribs. That getting older and not bouncing as well is not fun. Should I presume that Harold responds to "ouchies" like many men folks...

Mickie, I had to smile at your take on the chill in the air. I have been driving around running errands all day thinking,"Thank you Ohio. This is why I need to go to FL this winter. It will only get worst come Jan and Feb." We had frost warnings last night and the sun has been slow to warm up anything.
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby MandysMom » Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:31 pm

We had rumbles and flashes around 1:10 a.m. last night along with maybe 15 min of pretty noisy rain. It's a start! Cooler weekend ahead than our mid 90's of this past week. Gardener was coming to trim a few branches but guessing with more boomers predicted he might be having second thoughts. That's ok. Mountains and valleys where we had fires this year and last are preparing for mudslides and flash floods! Those folks just can't catch a break.
Amazing to thnk Sue and Mollie got white stuff overnight !
Sorry to hear Harold had a tumble with broken ribs! Hope he's not too hard on his primary caregiver! And he heals quick.
That Tobasco Factory tour sounds fun.
Have a good day all.
Will stay in here and watch to see what weather brings. Making list for Mel's annual big pot of Halloween Chili! It's tradition I'm glad he is feeling up to making!
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:35 pm

At least Harold will go get checked out. In one of the horse accidents he had a rib puncture his lung and we were in the hospital a week. I say we because I am the designated go-fur. I was really impressed(again) with the local hospital. I had to ask for a urinal and go empty it myself while we were there. He had a big scrape on the back of his hand and they didn't clean it or anything. When we got ready to leave they gave me a sheet of paper that tells how to treat abrasions. A girl came in the room and ask if he needed a wheelchair to get to the car. :roll: He had a shot for pain that the doctor said might make him dizzy. I guess if you can walk in you are good to walk out.

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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby MandysMom » Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:41 pm

I sure get the "we were in the hospital" statement! I take my RV and am at bedside usually 12 hours a day! Have seen too many errors and stuff that just does not get done. What happened to nurses bathing a new post op patient. They walked in and put towels and these packets of basically prewarmed oversized baby wipes down and said, of you want to clean up? And left! Of course maybe Mel would prefer me to scrub his back?!!!! :lol:
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Queen » Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:31 pm

Tina, we spent the last six hours at the beach, finally packed up and came home because the Floridian in the group got chilly! :lol: Now we're drinking wine so she can warm up.
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Liz » Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:57 pm

Martha, I'm sorry to hear about Harold's fall. Moving is very painful with broken ribs, and they seem to take awhile to heal. Glad your son is there to help.

I spent 3 months at the Rehab hospital in Jacksonville with my husband after his auto accident/spinal cord injury. Good thing I had lots of accumulated sick leave from my teaching job...was out the rest of the school year. I doubt my husband would have lived if I hadn't stayed with him.
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby Bethers » Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:36 pm

Martha, so sorry about Harold's fall, but glad it wasn't worse than it is.

Ava, your grandchild is adorable.

Finished my 2nd day working and I've kind of let myself move mainly into laundry and very little housekeeping. Will be boring, but nothing scented in this end of things to trigger headaches/migraines, etc. They fold some things weird, but hey, what they want, they'll get. The manager's mom has been doing a lot (probably most) of the laundry and her age and increasing forgetfulness makes it hard - I think the manager is hoping to get her to retire completely if we can do it. Time will tell, I'm sure.
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby MelissaD » Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:35 pm

Well,it's not exactly morning, so I'll call it evening coffee. Even fixed the Keurig coffee maker today so I could have a cup after setting up the camper. It was just recycling the water and not putting it through the grounds. Had not user it since we put the camper in the shop. Read on the internet that a guy used a compress air can to blow out and clear the lines, so I used my little air compressor for the truck and popped a connection loose. So I took it apart and reconnected the loose hose and wa la coffee. :D

Bummer about Harold but the tour of the Tabasco plant sounds interesting.

Crazy Ohio weather lows last night and tonight around 29 and weather channel says next weekend high of 71 and low of 53. Well we got the camper back after about 3 months in the shop. Can't even find the seam where they repaired the floor, where the slide tore it up. I'm very pleased. Feels good to be back in the camper. Hope to make it through Halloween before we winterize and put her away for the winter.
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Re: Saturday, me again?

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:00 pm

Martha, sorry about Harold and broken rib - no fun for either of you.
Ava, that boy sure is growing fast.
Was in the upper 70s here today but I've been in a sweat suit most of the day as the house seems chilly and we had a steady wind from the north. Nonetheless it was a beautiful sunny day. Will have to turn on the heat tomorrow night as temps will dive into the 40s. Nice warm up for next week so fall is not over. I sure can tell the daylight hours are getting shorter and dread loosing day light savings time.
I've decided to make one more trip this year - will only be gone 8 or 9 days. Heading to NE GA near SC border. Got to figure out how to get there without getting too close to Atlanta. GA highways are not going to make that an easy challenge.
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