
Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Colliemom » Wed May 06, 2015 6:24 am

Morning everyone,

Middle of the week already. Before we know it, weekend will e here and for those of us with plans for this month, time is moving.

Well, the Proposal up for vote was soundly defeated yesterday. We as voters have told our legislators they can do better and we will deal with the roads for now. More and more counties are getting mill ages passed to do roads within their counties, not state but local roads like this one who will be doing some this year. Be interesting to see what the Govenor has in mind now. Our Govenor is a businessman, not a politician, elected on a platform that the state should be run like a business, not by politics. And that's the way it's been going, with him at odds with the legislature at times, sometimes using his executive powers to do things, but he's getting things done and it's been slowly turning Michigan around. He was overwhelming reflected to a second term and rumor going around he may seek a Presidential bid.

As for me, I'm going to town to pick up a few things. Want to finish up this little clothes pole thing I'm making for camping. Hang a towel,or whatever on it, but can take it apart for storage. Little yard work in one area. If it rains, will bring up stuff from basement for the trailer when it comes back. Time to get serious on this trip stuff. Leave day is two weeks from next Monday.

Reading through yesterday's posts, I might suggest those of you with fur kids, that you check into Revolution for flea/tick/heart worm. It's an all in one and you apply on the skin between the shoulder blades. I've been using it for years. No having to give pills and hope the dog takes it etc stuff. BJ, have you looked at the Ford Flex? I had one and although the styling isn't anything great, they are the most versatile crossovers. Great hauler for almost anything. Seats down flat you can haul a full sheet of plywood if you want and seats can go in many up/down configurations.
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Re: Wednesday

Postby grammynmaggie » Wed May 06, 2015 8:04 am

Good morning Sue & all...well maybe the rain is gone..that possible tropical storm/depression is on its way said it might have an eye by the time it hits
the Carolina's ....taking Maggie to vet for test and will ask about when she had last distemper shot...might forgo it this year..thanks BJ....just found out something interesting...I have been jealous of those that have Trader Joes close so they can shop there...well did you know that Aldi's and Trader Joes are brothers....??? check out this link.. ... joe_s.html ... I wont be so jealous now.... :lol: :lol: well better get busy...have a fun filled day and B safe...donna ;)

PS .. made a blog post about some feathered friends ...or is it un-feathered friends ??? soooo cute
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Re: Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed May 06, 2015 8:47 am

We're in the middle of a week + of rainy days here in SD. Just saw this morning that with the drop in temps we could even get some snow - saying up to an inch later this week, that will then rapidly melt as it changes back to rain. They just lifted the burn ban, even though they say we need lots more rain ... hopefully this will continue to help and allow the campers to have campfires all summer. I'd hate to see all the firewood at the store just sit there, so was very happy to hear about the lift of the fire ban.

We did get lucky yesterday - in that we had sun most of the day (not called for) before the rain came back last night.

Unfortunately this rain means the store will be slow, slow, slow. But it is early and hopefully by Mother's Day weekend we'll start seeing some sun again - and more tourists. Busy season is really mid-June to mid-August or so.

Everyone stay safe, have fun in your travels, and check in - and Carolb - really do want to hear more about that break???? Hope it's mending as it should.
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Re: Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed May 06, 2015 10:27 am

Good Morning,
Fairly quiet here, the man picked up the Subaru a few minutes ago and I have pretty much narrowed my Sienna purchase down. Have prices from one dealer and waiting on another to see who gives me the best deal. Sue, I have driven Toyota's since '85 and really have always been happy, besides I like to ride up higher and have all the space that the van has.
Beth sounds like haveing a few slow days might be good, you can ease into the summer crowds. Wish we had a bit of your cold weather here.
Off to the bank, as soon as DH gets back with the car. It will be a strange having to share a car! Carolb hope you are doing ok and have someone to give you some help!
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