Sunday and Sun

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Sunday and Sun

Postby bluepinecones » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:02 am

Good Morning
The sun is climbing in a cloudless sky this morning. I'm in my sweat suit still but by mid day it could be shorts weather.
Nicky and I have been walking the cleared grounds here at the L & S resort. However one must be careful along the edges of the wooded areas as you never know what fierce critters might be lurking such as this
Actually this is Cranberry, Linda's cat but there are raccoons and other wildlife in the woods. So far all Nicky has managed to grab is a lizard. But if he had been off leash, might have snared a rabbit or two.
Expecting a visit from Soos this afternoon but other than that no plans other than enjoying a warm sunny day.
Hope yours is a good one.
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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby Othersharon » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:22 am

Good morning all. That does look like a really fierce critter in the tree! What a life! Looks like another cloudy day with more snow in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Geez, will this ever stop? The snowblower finally gave up yesterday. I kinda figured that out when I saw smoke coming out of it! Oh well, it was great while it lasted. So yesterday's shoveling was done in stages. This cold I have has really sapped me so I took a couple of naps in between! Did go out for Chinese buffet with my sister in law last night so that was a nice break for both of us. Today a trip to Petco for food for the boys. Don't want them to run out. Not a good thing! Hope everyone has a good day, enjoy the sun if you have it and the rest of us....think spring!
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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby avalen » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:39 am

Good morning :P
Cranberry sure is a pretty kitty.
I certainly can't complain about the weather today, its wonderful.
I have the car packed with stuff that goes out to the rv and will make that drive in a little while. The sad part though is all this stuff
came out of the closets and underbed storage and bay storages, but I've just been putting it back and setting it on the floor. I'll have a
lot of cleaning and stowing when I get back in. However, on the bright side, it will be enjoyable :D
Have enjoyed catching up on a few blogs.
Ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:35 am

Cranberry looks like our cat Orange Boy. We seem to be name challenged around here. :lol: Orange Boy's sisters are Hollywood and Gray.

Sorry the snowblower quit. My brother lives in Canada and I got an email from his wife yesterday. She said it seems like he retired in October to snowblow. We'll see how long it takes them to become snowbirds.

My sister is here today to get ready for her colonoscopy tomorrow. My DH usually grills a steak for Sunday dinner. I sure hate to eat in front of her when she has to have chicken broth. I will have to get up at 4:00 to bring her. :shock:

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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby dayspring39 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:40 am

Good Morning... yes a beautiful sunny day here in Ocala... it is 60 out now and will get a tad bit higher this afternoon... Just got back from church...
Boy you better watch Nicky or that fierce critter will have a nice lunch!
Oh Sharon the cold never stops that is for sure... will you get a new snow blower?
Ava when do you expect to move in? You will be so happy being in your own space..
I will take a nap then take Shadow for a run at the poopy field... he sure loves going there but there is something in Fl that makes him itch...
Having an early lunch....
Take care everyone
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby avalen » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:32 pm

dayspring39 wrote:Ava when do you expect to move in? You will be so happy being in your own space..

most likely in April, getting two new tires this month and two next month, then in April my ss starts showing up and I can get busy finding
a place to put it. My friends that tow it for me are leaving town in May so it has to be done before they leave cause they stay away until
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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby linann » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:00 pm

bluepinecones wrote:Actually this is Cranberry, Linda's cat . . .

Cranberry is a sweet baby. She's a big Hemingway (from Key West) with six toes on every paw. Cranberry spends her days on a large branch in her favorite tree. The sun shines through an opening in the leaves creating a warm spot on her branch. At night, Cranberry comes in for dinner and sleeps inside. Cranberry has been pointedly ignoring Nicky, and the bunnies must know he is own a leash because they have been safely hopping around not paying him any attention.

Sorry I wasn't here when Soos was here this afternoon. Missed all the fun because I had a hair appointment this afternoon.
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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby Othersharon » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:13 pm

Martha, maybe your brother has found a new career path! Snowbirding sounds like more fun! And Kathleen, I go back and forth on buying a new blower or trying to get this one fixed. My sister thinks I should have it looked at and see if it can be fixed. My son thinks I should just get a new one. This one is pretty old but made well (from what I'm told). Sorta like buying a new car, I guess. Keep putting money into it or start new. if I get a new one I might as well wait until they go on sale at the end of the season. If there is an end of season! :roll: List it with the stuff I never paid attention to. Believe it or not, I'm not usually this indecisive! Maybe I just hate the thought of putting out all that money for something that sits in the garage most of the time. It isn't even something I use all winter, only for big storms. Otherwise it's easier to just shovel it. Arg-g-g! (Thanks for listening to me whine and rant)
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Re: Sunday and Sun

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:21 pm

Just got off work for the day. Have tomorrow off. We are getting another small snow storm tomorrow. It was downgraded from 7 inches to now only 4 inches. So I will stay home and watch it snow :roll: Still hasn't gotten as warm as they have been predicting tho, so not holding my breath about it getting into the mid to upper 30's this week. We'll see...

Hope you all had a good weekend!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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