Tuesday Morning, all..

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:48 am

Yep, it's Tuesday....laundry is on the "to do" list today, but looks like I maybe dodging raindrops in the process... :roll: Oh, well, so what else is new...

A solid night's sleep was accomplished last night...it really happens every other night or so...I'm so done with trying to figure it out...just taking it a "night at a time"...

The western GTGs seem to be going strong...love all the photos and stories...

Okay, coffee's ready and got cranberry/orange/walnut bread out for snacking....enjoy...

Have a great day, all...
Lori, Ernie & Spinner
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Re: Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:54 am

Good Morning Lori and everyone else... have coffee and will make oatmeal later...

I need to do laundry also but the machine here has become very unreliable... sometimes it works and other times it does not spin... the dryer works sometimes and other times no... that makes doing laundry a crap shoot... will try later...

Yesterday while I was riding my trike and taking Shadow for his run he broke lose dragged the leash and jumped on a poor unsuspecting dog the dog was about half the size of Shadow... the owner said he was ok but I will go see for sure this morning... my hands get weak and he can get away fast... maybe I will put the leash on the handlebar of the trike... will see...

Yesterday was so beautiful... I went up into the mobile home park and visited with several ladies who were out in the sunshine... then I visited with my friend Betty... she lost her husband when I was here two years ago...

I will put the rugs out and brush them off then run the dust mop to get rid of the Shadow hair that seems to multiply by the day! :lol:

Hope everyone has a great day...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:24 am

Mornin Lori & Kathleen & all that follow ~~~

If you too are so in the mood for laundry & cleaning can you please come to my house? The snow / cold are making me really lazy for housework. I better take a full week off work for spring cleaning this year :lol:

Have fun at all the gtg's going on ladies & if you're on the road, stay safe & havea good day.
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Re: Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:56 am

Good morning.
Just checked on weather conditions at home. Apparently virtually all roads, schools and businesses are closed due to ice. Even I-565 is shut down. It is not as bitter cold as the last two Arctic blasts ( low 20s instead of zeros) but there is a 2nd system expected to come thru tonight into tomorrow. I only checked north AL; the central part of state where Wendy is may have escaped this time.
Here in Melbourne the sun is coming up again - 3 days in a row!!!! Lucky me. It was even a little warmer last night with another star filled sky.
Older niece reported last night that her sister is trying to eat a little; not sure if the appetite stimulant pills or threat of feeding tube worked but anything is an improvement over nothing but Sprite. She is concerned that over the next 3 days, the home health care nurse is not likely to be able to make her daily visits due to road conditions.
Have a good one.

Know this is not a big deal for most of you but it sure is where I live.
"HUNTSVILLE, Alabama - How much has it snowed so far?
The National Weather Service forecasting office in Huntsville released data about 7:30 a.m. today indicating up to 5 inches of snow had fallen in parts of north Alabama.
Snow is expected to continue until midday today.
A winter storm warning remains in effect for the area of the Huntsville forecasting office getting the heaviest snow this morning. Another storm warning goes into effect at 6 a.m. Wednesday for all of north Alabama with as much as 5 more inches of snow possible.
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Re: Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby carolb » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:38 am

Good morning all! :)

In O'side, sitting at a dog-friendly park, having coffee in HB. Sis doesn't get going til about 9 a.m.! So in essence, I am getting some "free" time. We'll plant flowers today....going to be sunny & warm. AND omg, the horrible weather hitting the south! Aren't you glad you're not there, Sarah????

Kathleen, it's an awful feeling when one of our little ones attacks another 4-legger :( I hope the other pup is okay, & it sounds wise for you to attach Shadow to the handle bars...Barbie, wishing Coco continued progress toward feeling better....

That's about it, so y'all have a great day & be safe always! 8-)
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Re: Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby avalen » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:19 pm

Good morning :D
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Re: Tuesday Morning, all..

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:37 pm

Just past noon here. I am on a split shift today so have a few hours off before heading back in for the evening shift. Very slow this morning tho.

Finally above zero at 3*. Should stay above zero now for awhile. They are saying to expect above normal temps thru the rest of February! Yay! But, with the warmer temps, comes snow, but that is OK. Not much expected, just an inch or two here and there.

Ordered a Coleman Instant tent last night. I wanted to get the 6 person tent but they are out of stock, so I got the 4 person tent instead. A little smaller than I wanted but workable (I like to be able to stand up). If the 6 person tent comes back in stock, I can return the smaller one and get the bigger one. But I wanted to make sure I got one of them for sure. This one matches my instant screen room (gray, white and red). Walmart is the only place that sells that color combo.

Coco is still doing OK, but he is getting thinner while his belly (tumor) is getting bigger. He is constantly eating, but it is all going to feed the tumor. He still has enough spunk to be the first one out of the cage and trot around playing a little before taking a nap someplace. He still has a lot of life and sparkle in his eyes so that is good. (They let you know when they are ready to go. You can see it in their eyes.)

Got the interior lights to go off in my Jeep. Turns out it was a switch that was turned on by mistake (by me) to keep them on. Didn't know that was even an option. :roll:

Hope those in the south hunker down once again and stay safe until these storms pass thru. You have had a rough winter down there! We complain up here about the cold and snow, but we are equipped for it, but those down south aren't.

California finally got rain, altho a bit too much at once, but it will help a little towards the drought situation. Hopefully, there will be more coming and also more snow in the mountains before spring. It sure rained a lot when I was living out there! Maybe I need to go back there and do a little rain dance for them! :lol:

Have a good day! :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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