I'm sitting here on the train to Indiana. The hubby leaned over a few minutes ago to wish me "Happy Birthday". I can see mom in the seat in front of me looking out the window. I hope she got some sleep. Today is RV pickup day!!!!
We arrive in Elkhart around 7:30am then we get a rental car and then off for a relaxing (HA!) breakfast before heading over to Nexus. They've been in constant contact with her since Saturday. I don't know who's more excited, her or them?!? Only one slow down. The vessel sink mom wanted is due in today so officially the RV won't be ready until tomorrow (though they're going to push for this afternoon). We can still stay in the RV or they'll put us up in a hotel. I don't think mom can stand another minute away from "Miss Kitty".
This is like waking up early on Christmas morning!