CArol, wish I was camping with you so I could get out my shorts. You could even take me for a walk. We have had two weeks of yuck and rain predicted for the rest of the week. At least it has warmed up a little. I started writing the GTG's on my calendar this morning. Not one I can go to for a while. My sister called last night and said she has a 3 day weekend for MLK holiday. Will have to see what the weather is doing and what craziness is going on here.
I picked up one of the kittens when I went out this morning and Annie is giving me a good inspection to see what I have been up to. Annie has a couple of little catnip toys that she carries around howling like they are her kittens. Now she has Possie doing it. She's not a good mother because she drops them everywhere.
Yesterday after my dentist appointment I stopped by TJ Maxx. They are rearranging the store. Had all the house ware stuff from 2 shelves in the floor. Doesn't look like they have done much restocking since Christmas. Wonder whats up with them. I got gas at Sam's on my way and it was $3.049 and after lunch it was $3.139. That doesn't make any sense.