2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport/No longer for sale

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2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport/No longer for sale

Postby Liz » Fri Jul 14, 2017 6:40 pm

Roadtrek dealer gave me a good deal, so I will use it as a trade-in.

I am planning to downsize back to a Roadtrek when I return to Florida in late September-early October. I plan to try to sell my Class C, but will trade it if it doesn't sell before then. I decided to post it here first, and will begin to post it online about August 1. It has been well maintained with many upgrades added.

2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport on 2008 E450 Ford Chassis
73,630 miles
24’ Class C with back-up camera

Upgrades I have added since purchase in 2012

New Onan 4000 Generator 2012 (Generator hours were not set back to 0 when that was done, so hours on display reflect hours from old generator too.)
2 Optima Blue Top Coach Batteries 2012
Optima Red Top Engine Battery 2016
6 New Michelin Tires, Jan. 2017
Electric Awning
Solar Panel & Inverter
Electric/Propane Water Heater
Day/night LCD Roller Shades
Reupholstered dinette cushions with new foam in seats (reversible)
King Jack TV antenna
Fantastic Fan with remote control
Vent hoods on all 3 vents
2nd TV in bedroom
Kayak rack on roof
Exterior treated annually with PolyGlow to protect fiberglass.

Tow package

Link to picture, slideshow: http://s93.photobucket.com/user/lizcrus/slideshow/2009%20Fleetwood%20Jamboree%20Sport

Everything is in good working order...ready to travel.
Asking $30,000 (negotiable)
Last edited by Liz on Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport, 24' Class C

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 15, 2017 1:55 am

I've been looking at B's or a couple B+'s for several months now. I may be doing similar. Good luck.
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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport, 24' Class C

Postby Cudedog » Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:07 am


This is really surprising.

Both of you considering going to a B/B+? Why? I have been thinking about gearing up for a C, and now this!

I sense a couple of good stories here.

Ladies, please share.


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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport, 24' Class C

Postby Liz » Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:59 am

One reason is that I bought a small mobile home in a retirement community in Florida where I will spend a part of each winter. Can't park the Class C there, so would have to store it. A Class B is allowed however. Another reason is that I miss the ease, maneuverability, and "parkability" of the Class Bs I used to have. I like to camp in smaller NF and NP cgs and boondock in wilderness areas. I like to be able to stop and check something out on a whim without figuring out parking. I bought a smaller kayak that will slide easily inside a B and I won't need to tow a car when traveling.
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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport, 24' Class C

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:22 am

I much preferred my first years traveling... Without a toad. While I had a C, it was only 22 feet and I could go anywhere. I want that mobility again and I just found having more storage means I fill it, and not necessarily with things I need.

My rig now has many things I like, so I'm not rushing into doing anything, but had I not been a day late on one I discovered this summer, I might have made the change. I also feel most of the true B's are made better.
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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport, 24' Class C

Postby Liz » Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:08 pm

I know what you mean about filling it!
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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport, 24' Class C

Postby elkriverrats » Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:51 pm

Liz, wish I had noticed your kayak rack when we were at the Hillsborough GTG! I had wanted to do that on our previous C but did not think I could manage it on my own. Won't work on the Coach House but maybe on the next one...
Good luck with the sale!
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Re: 2009 Fleetwood Jamboree Sport/No longer for sale

Postby gingerK » Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:57 am

Man, I'm drooling all over my computer screen over your rig, Liz. Currently looking for a 24 footer but unfortunately yours isn't in my price range. :(
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