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Tri-tip roast

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:34 pm
by sharon
Made this on the last trip....came out great!

1 3# or so Tri-tip roast
garlic powder or granules or fresh finely chopped garlic
seasoned salt or no
worshershire sauce
liquid smoke
1 can beer OR 1-2 cups red wine (I've used both depending on what's available at the time. This time I used beer that I begged from a friend)

Preheat oven 350. Brown roast on BBQ or in skillet. Put in deep pan, poor about a capful of liquid smoke on roast and smear around, poor about 1/4 c of worstershire on and smear around, sprinkle with garlic and seasoned salt, poor beer or wine around roast and bake for 1 hour for MR. Let sit for 5 min and slice thin. Invite friend that gave you the beer and her DH for supper to insure a steady supply of beer for future tri-tips.

Re: Tri-tip roast

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:40 pm
by BarbaraRose
I love tri-tip! The gal we stayed with in Salt Lake City made it for us and it was awesome! Will have to try this recipe. What is liquid smoke? And what does the beer do for it?

Re: Tri-tip roast

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:47 pm
by avalen
thats a good recipe, used to use liquid smoke all the time when I cooked back in Colorado.
Haven't even bought any since I've moved to AZ. hmm, wonder why

Re: Tri-tip roast

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:01 pm
by bluepinecones
Sounds good.
Here's a link to explain Liquid Smoke.
I had to look up tri tip roast (can you tell I don't cook much?)

Re: Tri-tip roast

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:53 am
by sharon
BarbaraRose wrote:I love tri-tip! The gal we stayed with in Salt Lake City made it for us and it was awesome! Will have to try this recipe. What is liquid smoke? And what does the beer do for it?

Gives it a really good flavor...altho I have to admit, I prefer the red wine.