Another No-Knead Bread

Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:38 pm

I've made this twice in the last 3 days. Couldn't be easier - takes less than a minute after you gather the flour, water, yeast and salt. And it's delicious! The crust is just what I have been unable to find down here in the South in commercially produced bread. First time, the crust was crunchy and a little too hard. This morning, I brushed it with a little butter right out of the oven and it softened up the crust perfectly - still crunchy, but not hard. Today, I also turned the oven temp down to 475 and then 450 for the last 10 minutes. Oh, and I didn't use my hands to mix - I used a Danish dough whisk. Pics show a HALF of a recipe. I don't have semolina flour, so I used cornmeal.

Image Image

Here are the written directions, and a link for a 4 minute instructional video...

Chef Juergen Temme of The Culinary Institute of America demonstrates how easy it can be to make bread with no kneading whatsoever. The key is leaving yourself lots of time, because 15-plus hours are necessary to transform a mixture of 2 cups water, 4 cups of bread flour, 1 3/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 teaspoon dry active yeast into a loaf of rustic bread. Instead of using your hands, you let time do the work.

First, he mixes together the dry ingredients and pours them into the bowl with the water. Chef Temme mixes the ingredients together with his hands, then, when he's got a wet, sticky dough, places the mixture in an oiled container with a lid. He lets the dough sit for 12 hours at room temperature, until the gluten has developed and the dough is proofed. He removes it from the container and forms it into a rough loaf, then places it on a kitchen towel that's been sprinkled with semolina flour. (He sprinkles the top of the loaf with the semolina, as well.) Another 2 1/2 hours of proofing and the bread is finally ready to bake. To achieve a good crust and moist interior crumb, he uses a cast-iron pot with a lid to create a mini-bread oven. He preheats the pot in a 500F oven, then carefully sets the dough inside and re-covers the pot. The bread is baked for 40 minutes at 500F. (Remove the top for the last 10 minutes so the moisture can escape and help the crust set.)

Remove the bread from the pot immediately, but wait for it to cool before slicing.

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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:51 pm

Oh my stars ! Mitch...Again...another bread...You must have read "Man does not live by bread alone" ...LOL but it sure helps for
dunkin' in the gravy.... This bread looks good too... Now does that mean I have to go buy a pot to bake it in...LOL

Don't they make it so simple, only problem is... I'm the only one eating all this bread and I just lost 4lbs...I guess I'll know where to find it soon ..

Have to think this one over carefully...cause my bucket gots bread in it too..

Thank Mitch...

God Bless
Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:16 pm


I'm going to try the ingredients on a stone (no DO) - see if it turns out as delicious...

I tried another no-knead this morning (18 hour rest). It was pretty bad...4 C. of flour and only 1/4 t. of yeast????
I'll stick with this one I posted her! YUMMO. (I eat a piece or two and throw the rest in the bad, or my good, depending on your point of view!)

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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:40 pm

Mitch.... I'll never tell ...but I can tell ya this... I never throw bread away... I make it into bread salad or bread crumbs but I can't
for the life of me throw bread away....Now today I went to Wally World..and yep, I looked for that pot...didn't see one..well that's not true I saw
one but couldn't justify spendy 75 buckeroos for it...maybe I'll get lucky and catch a sale...but I'll wait on the bread making for this one...unless
hubby decided to buy me somethin' for our anniversary...but oh my just for ta think that one over a few times..

Bread sure does look what didn't ya like about the Bucket Bread compared to this "new" one you are making...often LOL

Gots ta hear this story...cause it may convince me... Ya know I need the help to "Spend"..

pssst just got done ordering off QVC Begonias... Big puffy style ones I'll take pictures when they bloom...but big joke will be when I have
to cart them babies back in the rig with hubby and 4 Critters...omg..the man is gonna hit High C...

I'm all eyes... waiting for your reply on Why i should make this 'good lookin bread'

God Bless Us

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:29 pm

Barbzeee wrote:Mitch.... I'll never tell ...but I can tell ya this... I never throw bread away... I make it into bread salad or bread crumbs but I can't
for the life of me throw bread away....Now today I went to Wally World..and yep, I looked for that pot...didn't see one..well that's not true I saw
one but couldn't justify spendy 75 buckeroos for it...maybe I'll get lucky and catch a sale...but I'll wait on the bread making for this one...unless
hubby decided to buy me somethin' for our anniversary...but oh my just for ta think that one over a few times..

Bread sure does look what didn't ya like about the Bucket Bread compared to this "new" one you are making...often LOL

Gots ta hear this story...cause it may convince me... Ya know I need the help to "Spend"..

pssst just got done ordering off QVC Begonias... Big puffy style ones I'll take pictures when they bloom...but big joke will be when I have
to cart them babies back in the rig with hubby and 4 Critters...omg..the man is gonna hit High C...

I'm all eyes... waiting for your reply on Why i should make this 'good lookin bread'

God Bless Us


Well, it's good, but not $75 on a DO! Don't you have a DO? Even a camp DO would work, legs and all...
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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:48 pm

I'm so tempted to try this as I'm a such a "bread-aholic". Plus I can't eat the bread without slathering it with butter!
Oh, dear, oh, dear.... :?
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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:03 pm

AlmostThere wrote:I'm so tempted to try this as I'm a such a "bread-aholic". Plus I can't eat the bread without slathering it with butter!
Oh, dear, oh, dear.... :?

Maybe you shouldn't try it - that L O N G S L O W rise really develops the flavor of this bread...
I just about die when I toss it in the trash...I hear my hips sing my praises, but my taste buds are cursing my very existence.

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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:33 pm

Mitch.... I've got a DO but it's not cast iron and it wouldn't substain those temps....So maybe I'll see if I can hunt one down
from a that's still into the cast iron... I have a skillet one for my corn bread but not with a lid and the debth wouldn't be enough...
Ok, now I'll see is Lenora does the deed and makes that delicous lookin bread...

By the way..Mitch.. ya still didn't answer my question... What was the differnece between the bucket bread and this one...Now as my bread
goes days in the frig it does bring on a intense flavor...

Guess by the time we're done discussing this bread many on lookers are gonna be making bread :) Whoopie

God Bless

Psst tomorrow I'm making MONKEY coming :) wait..with Pillsbury that dough boy is good to me :)
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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby Forestgal » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:03 pm

Mitch, let me know if it works on a stone. I don't own a DO & have no intentions of getting one. But it's fun to make no-knead bread, so I'll give it a whirl if you can do it without one.


Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:53 pm

Barbzeee wrote:Mitch.... I've got a DO but it's not cast iron and it wouldn't substain those temps....So maybe I'll see if I can hunt one down
from a that's still into the cast iron... I have a skillet one for my corn bread but not with a lid and the debth wouldn't be enough...
Ok, now I'll see is Lenora does the deed and makes that delicous lookin bread...

By the way..Mitch.. ya still didn't answer my question... What was the differnece between the bucket bread and this one...Now as my bread
goes days in the frig it does bring on a intense flavor...

Guess by the time we're done discussing this bread many on lookers are gonna be making bread :) Whoopie

God Bless

Psst tomorrow I'm making MONKEY coming :) wait..with Pillsbury that dough boy is good to me :)

do you mean the "artisan bread in five minutes a day" bread - the one where you keep it in the fridge in a "bucket" and pull off what you need each day?
If so, this counter bread is tastier. I tried an 18 hour bread today and didn't like the texture, but the flavor was really good.
I'll just have to keep experimenting - luckily, flour is cheap!!
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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby Forestgal » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:37 pm

Mitch, I was reading in the 5 Minute Bread book something about not thoroughly cleaning the bucket between batches. They said something about the residual dough creates a sort of sourdough starter, giving the bread a nice flavor. Haven't tried that yet, but I'm going to make up a new batch of dough this weekend. I'll keep the bucket's "left-overs" and see what happens. But it sounds like you're making more than I am at this point -- or maybe Zeee is. Anyway y'all can experiment and between the bunch of us we'll come up with some pretty interesting concoctions!


Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:46 pm

Forestgal wrote: Anyway y'all can experiment and between the bunch of us we'll come up with some pretty interesting concoctions!


Can't wait to try it in a DO over a campfire! YUMMO!
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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby AlmostThere » Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:22 am

Looks like I might have to post my recipe for Spoon Bread. ;) It's been years since I've made that.
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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby Marslet » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:32 am

Mitch, you need to stop throwing all that good bread away. If you aren't gonna eat it, throw it out for the poor little hungry birdies. They will sing your praises this spring. LOL


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Re: Another No-Knead Bread

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:44 am

Marslet wrote:Mitch, you need to stop throwing all that good bread away. If you aren't gonna eat it, throw it out for the poor little hungry birdies. They will sing your praises this spring. LOL

Thanks for the reminder. I always forget that!! (although we spend a fortune on birdseed all year long...)

Is it okay to give birds bread? You're not supposed to give it to ducks, right?
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