Air fryer Breakfast Recipes

Air fryer Breakfast Recipes

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:40 pm

I just discovered some interesting and looking good air fryer breakfast recipes. I've been doing some similar, but liked these. The first I want to do is:

Air fryer avocado toast is a quick way to bring a healthy breakfast into your morning routine. Preheat the air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Mash a ripe avocado with a fork and spread onto a piece of bread. Form a well in the mashed avocado and crack an egg in the center. Air fry for five minutes, season with a little salt and pepper, and you have perfect avocado toast. Add a dash of hot sauce or red pepper flakes for an extra kick of spice.

For the page I found this:
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Re: Air fryer Breakfast Recipes

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:12 pm

I love avocados. I have sliced avocado on toasted english muffin for breakfast most days. Occasionally eggs as in omelets or scrambled with goodies inside LOL I like fried eggs occasionally too but then there has to be hash browns involved. I dont usually mash my avocados and I dont think I would like hot avocado mash, but hey different strokes for folks. Avocados are the best for lowering cholesterol levels especially raising HDL that is one reason I eat them frequently. Well that and I love them. I put a little lemon juice on them too.
Since I am in sloth mode today I have been perusing recipes too. I like to experiment but my last one was kind of a pricy experiment. My friend said oh try Chia Seed pudding it is so good. So I bought the seeds and the coconut milk, added some stevia blended it up, put it in the fridge overnight. Took it out the next day to try.......gag it was terrible. Giving those dang Chia seeds to one of my Bunco players. Then tried greek yogurt, oh you will love it she said. I told her I didnt really like yogurt anyway but she told me greek is so creamy and much better....well NO it sure wasnt.......another gag. So to heck with that healthy stuff I will stick to my sugar free jello and puddings!!!!!!! No more health food for me.

Beth I just read thru the recipes....interesting. I dont think I will try the roasted fruit tho. I love roasted veggies but not fruit.

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Re: Air fryer Breakfast Recipes

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:38 pm

Beth I just read thru the recipes....interesting. I dont think I will try the roasted fruit tho. I love roasted veggies but not fruit.

I won't try them all either. I've never done cooked avocado either but think I'll try it.

Yogurt but itself isn't good to be either. But I freeze yogurt in an ice cube tray to add to my healthy smoothies. You'd never know it's there. My smoothies are my substitution for milk shakes lolol No milk involved, no ice cream involved, do dairy as I use non dairy yogurt. I've experimented enough that I have my recipe and I'm sticking with it.
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Re: Air fryer Breakfast Recipes

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:29 pm

My smoothies in the summer consist of Almond milk and strawberries, and maybe another berry or banana. Now what I like to make is Blended mochas. Almond silk non dairy caramel creamer, coffee and lots of ice. But they are an afternoon treat. I have made a few recipes with yogurt and it was fine but just to eat it like some do I find it kind of sour. I am happy that I dont have a huge sweet tooth. I do buy the Organic Healthy Choice fudge bars at Costco only 100 calories to have once in a while. Usually with a banana as I am not a big plain old banana kinda gal. I have to dress it up LOL either in a smoothie or with ice cream. I didnt see any other recipes except maybe the frittata. I dont make pancakes I heat em in the micro ha ha Bacon in the oven as I like to do a pound or two and then freeze it. I'm looking at low cal desserts right now. I bought a sugar free chocolate cake mix, Lily's dark choc chips to drizzle over the top. For my Bunco group next week.

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Re: Air fryer Breakfast Recipes

Postby MandysMom » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:45 pm

I loved avocado, until I realized they were causing mouth sores, then later tested positive for latex allergy- and avocados, kiwi, and bananas are all botanically related to latex, so allergic to one, allergc or at least sensitive to all. Boo hiss.
I love plain yogurt and could eat it straight from big tub, ESP Greek yogurt, which is simply yogurt with some whey strained out. But not all yogurts are same or good. I tried recently a organic yogurt that was grainy and sour. Found a friend who agreed as she tried the brand and says she will use it in recipes, but not just in a bowl like we both do with Fage ( pronounce FAA Yay) . If I'm still hungry after my bowl or plate of beef, I'll thaw some mixed berries ( the Costco without strawberries, which also cause me mouth sores) and put yogurt and stevia and berries in bowl, and top with a serving of a NO Grain Keto cereal I like ( again Costco, made with coconut, almonds, pecans, freeze dried blueberries, and sunflower seeds). My diet is very restricted, in that I do not tolerate most plants esp grains and the criciferous veg, and most fruits are high sugar,with berries the lowest. Sure glad I love beef and and bacon and like pork, chicken and fish . Best way to lower Triglicerides is to cut carbs- mine dropped by 50% in my first 3 mo eating low carb. Did you know, a large percent of those who have a heart attack, have normal cholesterol? It's inflammation that is the problem, not cholesterol. Did you know, those whose cholesterol, ESP LDL have been driven very low by statins, are more likely to get dementia?
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