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Fall job market

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:50 pm
by HorizonSeeker
Well, I'm not even home from my whirlwind tour of the northeast and already trying to plan ahead. You see, if in fact I do have my house rented, as I think I do, then I need to find a place for me and Horizon Seeker to be. Preferably for free and even better if I get paid, at least for a little while. So I have taken up Bethers' advice from her blog and put in to work at Amazon starting in October at the KY site. Hope I get it as there are a few things I want for Seeker that the Amazon money would be good for. Also have been emailing back and forth with the owners of a touring camp near Okeefenoke and she sounds very interested in me. That would begin just as the Amazon thing ends. No money involved but free hookups and wifi and not too far from my big brother in GA. I figure after my stint at Amazon I will appreciate a low key position (20 hours a week, mostly cleaning cabins and answer phones.). Now if I can just get my retirement paycheck straightened out.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:15 pm
by Forestgal
Good for you! Sounds like you're getting your ducks in order so that you can relax as the school year starts.

You mentioned your retirement check & it's gotten me to thinking ...

Out here teachers pay into a state teachers' retirement system which pretty much precludes us from drawing Social Security. Is that the same for you? And if you get paid by a state system and take a job that pays into SS do you have to have SS deducted from your paycheck?

When I retire I'd like to be able to work the odd job here and there but DON'T want to pay SS as I won't be able to collect it. doesn't seem right to have to pay it when I don't benefit. Is there anyone out there who knows how this works?

If I should have asked this in a different thread, my apologies. But it seemed like a good place to ask.


Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:06 am
by Redetotry
Laura, you might want to check about whether or not you can collect SS. I worked for the state but had also worked in places prior to that and had enough quarters to qualify for SS. BUT...the deal is, and this is attributed to Pres. Reagen...the states were given a choice as to whether or not to pay state workers SS their full amount if they qualified. Only FOURTEEN states opted to do this and Illinois where I live is one. I do get SS but it is cut almost in half. I had also heard we couldn't draw both but when I asked when I retired they explained I could, but SS would be reduced by some magic formula. The main thing is though, if you get SS you also MUST sign up for SS and they become your primary insurer and whatever you have through your state system become secondary. It's good in some ways because I have seldom had to pay any part of medical cost but now some providers don't want to take SS patients. OH, and because I qualify for SS my husband who retired from the same place must sign up for Medicare even though he didn't have enough quarters, he qualifies because I have SS.

This act is called WeP or WIndfall Elimination Provision here is one of the several links I found

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:21 pm
by Bethers
Sounds like you're planning ahead just fine. And I use the Amazon job just that way - for the things I want to improve - or last year, just to travel more without worrying much about the costs of doing so. Didn't mean I didn't boondock - some of my favorite camping is boondocking, but I also got to enjoy a lot of the wonderful FL state parks. Sounds like your GA job could be great.

If you work the same shift or have off any of the same days at Amazon, we can possibly do some things (or at least have a meal now and then) together. Molly who visited the Ocala gtg but isn't a member of this forum - and who Liz and Nan just visited to have fun at Niagara Falls, will be the same shift and days as me. And will be parked at the state park, same as me. You'll be offered a choice of jobs. Molly and I will be working in stowing on the afternoon/night shift- unless anything changes. It's where we were last year and asked to go back to. The only thing different is we asked for a different shift so we'd have split days off.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:01 pm
by bikerchic777
HorizonSeeker....If you end up not wanting to contribute to SS when you workamp, I recommend volunteering for your site. I haven't had to fill out any paperwork for that so it is not considered pay. Some parks offer cash or a paycheck. I still need to contribute to SS, so I prefer a paycheck with deductions.

As for Amazon...Is anyone familiar with the Amazon in Phoenix? Just thinking maybe, if it's not too far of a drive for me, that I could do that this fall. Are they flexible at all with schedules? I will be working 3 days at the park...likely Fri, Sat, Sun. That kind of rules out the swap meet and I have a friend who could use some help there.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:15 pm
by HorizonSeeker
I haven't heard back from Amazon yet but the GA job is looking good. One of my former supervisors sent me a text that she had been called by my prospective employers on Saturday. I am really looking forward to that job. No pay but a great location for me and lots of nature.

Beth, I will let you know what happens with Amazon. Would be great to have a friend nearby on this new adventure.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:35 am
by HorizonSeeker
Talked to the folks at Okefenokee yesterday and the job is mine! Doesn't start till mid December but I really excited. Can't wait to start.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:03 pm
by Bethers
HorizonSeeker wrote:Talked to the folks at Okefenokee yesterday and the job is mine! Doesn't start till mid December but I really excited. Can't wait to start.

Good news!

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:50 pm
by bikerchic777
Congrats on the new job :D Can't wait to hear about it!

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:44 pm
by HorizonSeeker
I got the job at Amazon! Well, there is a little paperwork to get through, but they offered and I accepted. Job starts October 1 and runs right up till I begin my new job at Okefenokee. Guess my dance card is filled till the end of next May! Now to get those renters in my house and paying me money!

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:47 pm
by Bethers
All the ducks are lining right up! Let me know where you'll be working and what shift - and where you'll be staying. We will get together somehow somewhere while we're both there.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:04 pm
by JoanE
I am also signed up with Amazon to start Nov 6th in Campbellsville KY. I got this thru a referral from Beth but I also have my resume at Workamper. I've already had a couple of emails from employers interested in hiring me. Just rec'd one from a cg in NC which sounds like it could work. If you want to work, sign up at Workamper.

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:39 pm
by BirdbyBird
Let us know how everything goes once you get settled and learn the ropes! :) Hope there aren't any "un-fun" surprises.....

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:22 am
by HorizonSeeker
Hard to believe I've been here six weeks already. Biggest surprise is that working 10 hours straight on my feet the whole time hasn't killed me. Soon we will bump up the hours a little and I hope I can handle it. In the meantime my GA job would like me to come a little sooner. Don't know what I'll do about that. Weather has been very windy here last few days and rains come today/tomorrow. Hope it clears up in time for my days off. Biggest surprise is how dusty/dirty the warehouse is. I mean I know it's a warehouse but geez Louise, when you crawl around in those big bins counting stock you get a snoot full every night. Wonder how they'd feel about me wearing a mask?

Re: Fall job market

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:21 pm
by sunshinecruiserTN
They would probably furnish them for you if you would ask. They can't tell you not to, OSHA.