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Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:56 pm
by bikerchic777
I have begun my search for a work camping job in the Palm Springs Area for the upcoming winter season. I would appreciate any help you have to offer!

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:34 am
by carold
California, that is :lol: Good luck and I have no contacts :cry: carold

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:40 am
by bikerchic777
Sorry, Carol! Didn't know there was another. Yes, southern CA; -)

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:06 pm
by Bethers
Can't tell you if these places are hiring now - but have been told at times that they use workampers. Oh, I didn't check the map - so might not be in areas close enough for you - but are in southern CA:

Last winter I stopped at this place - they do use workampers - it's gigantic. I didn't stay there so can't tell you too much other than a friend was visiting a couple staying there who had worked there the previous year. They didn't want to work last winter - but went back to stay for a bit - so obviously liked the place: Their home page has a link for workampers.

Good luck - and if I remember any other places in CA - will let you know.

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:19 pm
by bikerchic777
Thanks, Beth! I checked out the websites and jotted down the phone numbers. I'm really looking at that whole desert area, including NV and AZ. I just want to make sure to stay far enough south to keep warm ;) I hope I can find a younger, more active park. They're not as easy to find, but they're out there with more people retiring younger. I appreciate any input!

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:37 pm
by AlmostThere

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:50 pm
by Bethers
The 2nd park I gave you was very active - can't necessarily say younger - wasn't paying attn. I don't look for that - just enjoy whoever I meet. Although I sometimes look for the 55+ parks - quieter.

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:17 pm
by sharon
bikerchic777 wrote:Thanks, Beth! I checked out the websites and jotted down the phone numbers. I'm really looking at that whole desert area, including NV and AZ. I just want to make sure to stay far enough south to keep warm ;) I hope I can find a younger, more active park. They're not as easy to find, but they're out there with more people retiring younger. I appreciate any input!

Are you trying to say that us old folks aren't active??? might be right, can't get anyone interested in Body Blast or Zumba at the Ar GTG! :lol:

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:13 am
by bikerchic777
Sharon...I would try Body Blast or Zumba if I could make it to the GTG! Heck ya!!! I had to race walk yesterday to keep ahead of the mosquitos out here so I think I'm ready :lol: I have been to some 55+ (avg age 80) parks that claim to be active and shuffle board is about as active as they get :roll: I go to the pool to swim laps and they are all standing in the swim lanes talking! They all have golf carts to walk their dog and take the trash to the dumpster. There are some parks in FL that have a younger adult crowd and they like to motorcycle and kayak. Now, that's my kind of park!!! The park in Niland is probably active for the avg age there, but I'm not ready to be totally surrounded with that age group, though I hope to get there ;) I don't qualify for a 55+ park yet, but I could if I was work camping there.

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:09 pm
by carold
Sharon, maybe you could put on a Zumba demonstration. I'm sure once the gals saw how they could do all sorts of body movements sober, they would join in :twisted: carold

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:57 pm
by sharon
carold wrote:Sharon, maybe you could put on a Zumba demonstration. I'm sure once the gals saw how they could do all sorts of body movements sober, they would join in :twisted: carold

Doubt if they would try it sober. :shock:

Sorry to have hijacked your post Biker Chick...we do it all the time, so don't feel like we're picking on ya.

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:08 pm
by BarbaraRose
bikerchic777 wrote:Sorry, Carol! Didn't know there was another. Yes, southern CA; -)

There is a Palm Springs in Florida, too.

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:04 pm
by Bethers
There's an ad on the workamper news email today for Palm Springs:

California. Activity Director/Event Coordinator needed for 5 star active adult RV resort near Palm Springs from Nov.- April. 32 hours per week in exchange for FHU site. Energetic, self motivated person to coordinate activities, music, physical fitness, golf, tours, hikes, dinners, and events and motivate resident participation Shadow Hills RV Resort, Indio, CA Email resumé with photo and references to: or call Betsy/Carol: 760-360-4040.

Looks like no pay - just exchange for site. That doesn't surprise me in that area. But wouldn't hurt checking - although this is adult park again.

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:37 pm
by bikerchic777
Sorry to have hijacked your post Biker Chick...we do it all the time, so don't feel like we're picking on ya.
At least I know you're paying attention to my thread :D I really appreciate any leads you girls can offer! Thanks so much for the ad from Workamper News, Beth. I used to have a subscription, but hate to fork out the money right now if I can avoid it. Been calling resorts out there and finally got one that sounded like the mgr might be interested in talking to me, so the asst mgr took a message. That's just one of many, though. Ideally, it would be nice to clean showers/restrooms in the early morning for my site and then have time to get a job for pay, too. It looks like Lowes likes to hire seasonally. I'm sure the restaurants do, too. I'm considering waiting tables if it's a place that gets good tips ;) Keep the ideas coming!

Re: Searching in Palm Springs Area for Winter 2010.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:04 am
by dcricket
Well where ever you park your rig in SoCal Palm Springs area give a hollar as its not that far from me and any excuse to get away for a visit would be Great :) Good luck with your search.