Desert Haven Animal Refuge

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Desert Haven Animal Refuge

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:58 am

I've never been here so this is not a first hand recommendation. Sharing it because I thought it was a unique concept for funding animal rescue. Plus they have work camp opportunities for those who might be interested.
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Re: Desert Haven Animal Refuge

Postby Bethers » Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:40 am

Karen, retiredhappy, workamped there and did not recommend the place. Hopefully she'll come on and chime in, because I was interested but never looked further based on what she told me.
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Re: Desert Haven Animal Refuge

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:31 am

The woman who runs this place is crazy. She has morning meetings and if you use the word "cage" you have to put a quarter in a jar. When I was there she had several of us in the noon time sun, temp around 95, hauling rocks to make a pathway. She also wants you to walk two or three LARGE dogs at one time from their pens to the run area. She expects people to work like slaves and is rude. I actually left early. When I was there several of the workkampers left early. Unless she's changed her attitude I would be careful going there. When I was there most of her rescues were pitbulls that weren't socialized very well and she had a list of what dogs could NOT be together in the run due to fights.
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